
add a new customer

How to Add Customers

  •  In the file menu bar select the word “Customers” from the list.
  • In the drop down list under Customers choose “Customer Entry.”

  • A pop up window entitled “Customer Table Maintenance” will open up to the tab called “Contact Info.”


  • Type the information for your new Customer Entry.
    1. Customer names must be unique to prevent conflicts in the accounting program with duplicate customer names. Customer Number must be left blank. The system will automatically give the new customer entry the next available customer number.
  • Required fields are Salesperson 1, Salesperson 2 (Which are chosen from Staff that you have already entered into the system. ). Typically, Salesperson1 represents Fresh Cut sales and Salesperson 2 represents Supplies.

Customer Type (choose from the dropdown list):

Customer Terms (choose from the dropdown list):

Sales Price Level (Choose 1-5)

Typically, your Sales Price Level 1 would be your most widely used margin down to Price Level 5 as your lowest margin. Only Price Level 1 is required.

IF YOU PICK SALES PRICE LEVEL AND PICK “Add” THE CUSTOMER IS ADDED IMMEDIATELY AT THIS POINT. If you are not finished with the customer information, complete your customer data entry first.

  1. Click the Add button and your new customer is added.

This is a quick summary of how to add a customer. Please see Management training #3A for a complete description of Customer Management.