
color coding

John’s Journal, Issue #31 – Revised Pre-book Sales Summary Color Coding

John’s Journal is a newsletter to provide SMARTSystem™ Users with the latest software highlights and solutions to improve business operations.

In the latest version of the SMARTSystem, the color coding on the Pre-book Sales Summary screen has been revised to provide the sales staff with an immediate inventory status of items on a Pre-book order. See the following example with explanations:


  • Black background and White letters indicates

Product has been allocated to a Purchase Order but there is not enough On-Hand to fulfill this item.

  • Black background and Orange letters indicates

Product is NOT allocated to a Purchase Order and there is not enough On-Hand to fulfill this item.

  • Gray background and Red letters indicates

There is sufficient product in inventory to fulfill this item from current inventory.  This product can be converted to a Sales Order or Invoiced.

  • Green background and White letters indicates

Product has been allocated to a Purchase Order that has been received. This product can be converted to a Sales Order or Invoiced.

Our goal is to provide you with software tools to make your job easier and improve your success with quality service delivered quickly. Your feedback is always welcome.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.comor call 727-483-5306 for assistance.
