
delete credit memo

MTS #19 – Deleting Credit Memos

SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #19 – Deleting Credit Memos

Purpose:  To Delete a Credit Memo from an Invoice.

Keywords:  Credit Memo, Staff Entry, Staff Code.

To delete a credit memo once you have permissions:

Go to the Credit Memo and open it. On the right hand side, you will have the option button “Delete Credit Memo”

Click the button and you will get this pop up:

Your deletion will be confirmed with this pop up:

Clicking OK will immediately bring you back to the Credit Memo’s and Your Credit memo will be gone from the list.

If you do not have a button to Delete a Credit Memo:

Please check with a supervisor to see if you have permissions to delete credit memo’s.  To enable a staff member to be allowed to delete a credit memo. You have to go into the Staff Entry in SMARTSystem Choose from the Staff Code your employee from the drop down list.

When permissions are added and you pick the Modify button. Exit. 

The user should now be able to delete a credit memo.