
product type

MTS #08 – Inventory Pricing


SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #8 – SMARTSystem Inventory Pricing

Purpose:  To provide an overview of the inventory pricing options available in the SMARTSystem.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Mark-up – The amount added to cost to obtain the sales price of an item, e.g. $8.00 cost + 50% markup = $12.00 sales price.
  • Margin – The amount of profit from a sale expressed as a %, e.g. $8.00 cost, $12.00 sales price = 33% margin.

Note: Additional information on Mark-up and Margin is in the last section of this document including how these are calculated in the SMARTSystem.


There are two methods used by the SMARTSystem to set sales prices:

  1. By Mark-up or Margin based on the landed cost calculated in the purchase order for each inventory item or you can
  2. Manually set prices for each inventory item.

For you to take control of your sales prices and set sales prices manually, select the following menu items:

          Control Info > System Control > Sales Options> General 

Click on this checkbox:


          You must “log off and log on” for this setting to take effect.

To set the SMARTSystem for Mark-up or Margin, select the following menus:

          Control Info > System Control > Doc Selection

Select your desired option using the “PO Pricing Method” drop down menu:


The SMARTSystem can calculate Sales Prices based on Mark-up or Margin.  Only one can be selected.  The default option is “Mark up.”  Refer to the “Additional Information on Mark-up or Margin Options” at the end of this document.

You must “log off and log on” for this setting to take effect.

Product Type

The Price Level Factor used to calculate Mark-up or Margin is identified by the Product Type and each inventory item is associated with a Product Type.

The Product Type has two main purposes:

  1. To establish the percent of Mark-up or Margin for each inventory item, and
  2. To organize product on the Pick Ticket by Product Type.

The SMARTSystem will calculate your preferred Mark-up or Margin based on Product Type specified for each inventory item and apply that margin to Customer Sales Price Levels. Each customer is assigned a Sales Price Level.


Typically, your Sales Price Level 1 would be your highest margin down to Price Level 5 as your lowest margin.  Price Level 1 can be your walk-in customers and Price Level 5 your largest, best paying customers.  Only Price Level 1 is required. See and example below:

Purchase Order Processing

Purchase Order Processing will perform your Mark-up or Margin calculations based on the Landed Cost of the inventory item. See example below: 

In this “Mark-up” example, the Landed Cost is showing .403 (internally it is being calculated to 5 decimal places that you can override the calculated value to 5 decimal places) and based on the Sales Price Level 1 Factor in the Product Type table for Fresh Cut of 1.700 the resulting Sales Price is .684 or a 41.08% margin. This Mark-up is calculated as follows:

Landed Cost * Sales Price Level Factor = Sales Price

.403 (rounded up from 5 decimals) x 1.700 = .684

Note that the current selling price of this product at Price Level 1 is .690.  When the computer is calculating your Sales Price Levels you can override the calculated Sales Price to be .69 cents to maintain the same Sales Price.

Sales Price Levels 2 thru 5 are also calculated at this time and carried with this inventory item in this PO.

If you are using Sales Price Maintenance under the Management Menu the prices that you set will override the computer calculated values.

Inventory Items

All sales prices calculated or manually entered are stored in each Inventory Item. In this example, the Carnation Select Pink inventory item shows:

  • Current Landed Cost
  • Average Landed Cost
  • Sales Price Level 1
  • Sales Price Level 2
  • Sales Price Level 3
  • Sales Price Level 4
  • Sales Price Level 5

    Customer Sales Price Level

    When selling to a customer, the Sales Price Level set in the Customer Table for each customer refers to the Sales Price Levels in the Inventory Table for the items sold.  For example, the Sales Price Level for the Customer would show:


    Sales Price Maintenance

    Sales Price Maintenance is a sub-menu item under the Management Menu.

    This program shown below is used by you to set Sales Prices manually.  As you can see, this program provides several options:

  • Select by Vendor (Primary Vendor in the Inventory)
  • Round prices up to the nearest option:
    • None (default)
    • 5 cents
    • 25 cents

You can select inventory items by:

  • Category
  • Item
  • Color
  • Product Code
  • Description Search

A special feature of this program is to adjust inventory items selected by a special percentage, either up or down:


This option can be used when a vendor, such as Syndicate raises its prices 7% across the board for all products.

When you right click on a line you have several options:

  • Open Inventory Item
  • Copy Selection to Clipboard
  • Paste Data from Clipboard
  • Fill Dow from Clipboard
  • Clear Selected Cells

Using these options you can quickly update prices by:

  • Entering prices on one line for 1 or all 5 Price Levels
  • Right click and Copy Selection to Clipboard

  • Hold the shift key and highlight your selected area

  • Right click and fill down to update all prices in the group of products you selected

Click the Save Button in the lower left portion of the screen and you will get a confirmation “Saved/Updated Sales Price Changes.”

Volume Discounts

Volume Discounts is a sub-menu item under the Management Menu.

This program provides selection filters to select inventory items by:

  • Category
  • Item
  • Color
  • Product Code
  • Description Search

There is also a “Recalculate Prices” Button to globally update your volume discounts based on the selection criteria you enter and Disc % changes.

At the bottom of this screen you can:

  • Save your changes
  • Export your selected items to Excel
  • Import a previously export Excel file that has been changed which will update Volume Discounts.

The products you select will be displayed and you can create your Volume Discounts by:

  • Entering Quantity 1which is the first quantity discount
  • Enter Quantity 1 Discount Percent and the Sales Price will be calculated based on Sales Price Level 1
  • Do the same for Quantity 2, 3,4, and Over

You can also enter a Minimum Sales Price to check and prevent excessive discounts entered by a Sales Rep.

When you right click on a line a drop down will display your options:

  • Open Inventory Item
  • Copy Selection to Clipboard
  • Paste Data from Clipboard
  • Fill Dow from Clipboard
  • Clear Selected Cells

Using these options you can quickly update Volume Discounts by entering your changes on the first line:

  • Entering Quantity
  • Enter Discount Percentage

  • Hold the shift key and highlight your selected area
  • Right click and fill down to update all prices in the group of products you selected

  • Click the Save Button in the lower left portion of the screen and you will get a confirmation “Saved/Updated Changes in Volume Discounts Table.”

Additional Information on Mark-up or Margin Options

The pricing terms “margin” and “markup” actually represent the same thing, but from a different stage of a sale.

Markup represents a monetary amount of a product or service before a sale, while margin represents that same monetary amount after a sale. Some confusion can come up between these numbers, especially when represented as percentages.

The math to find out Mark-up percentage is:

Selling Price minus Landed Cost equals Mark-up (e.g. $70 – $50 = $20)

Mark-up divided by Landed Cost equals Mark-up Percentage (e.g. 20/50 =.4; you then multiply by 100 to get the percentage of 40 percent)

The SMARTSystem MARK-UP calculation METHOD:

  1. Landed Cost * Sales Price Level Factor = Sales Price

$1.00 x 1.60 = $1.60

       2. Sales Price = landed cost + 60% of the landed cost.

       3. Sales Price – Landed Cost / Sales Price

$1.60  – $1.00 /$1.60


  1. Shows what the percentage difference is between the sales price and landed cost. To yield a 60% margin, the Landed Cost MUST be 40% of the Sales Price:

Landed Cost / Price Factor of 1.60   =  Sales Price

$1.00  / (1 – (1.60-1))  = $2.50 sales price


   Ref 1

                              Ref 1:

1 – 1.60 = .40

$1.00 / .40 = $2.50

Here is an interesting video link regarding this matter:


Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem
  2. Go to the MANAGEMENT MENU and select SALES PRICE MAINTENANCE.Work with this program and get familiar with it.
  3. Go to the MANAGEMENT MENU and select VOLUME DISCOUNTS.Work with this program and get familiar with it.
  4. Log Off when finished.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306for assistance.

MTS #04A – Inventory Maintenance


SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #4A – SMARTSystem Inventory Maintenance

Purpose:  To gain a working knowledge of the Inventory Table and maintenance of inventory items.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • On-Hand Inventory – Inventory in the computer that represents what is in the warehouse/cooler. On-Handincludes the On-Hold quantity.
  • On-Hold – is an inventory quantity set aside in the computer and removed from the Net Available Inventory for sale by the sales staff.
  • Net Available Inventory – On-Hand Inventory less On-Hold Inventory is the Net Available Inventory for sale.
  • Product Type – Is similar to Product Category but used to establish margins for each Customer Sales Level and when printing the Pick Ticket. Pick Ticket products are organized in groups by product type.
  • Unit of Measure – Is the standard of measurement for physical quantities

Training Areas for this Session:

Inventory View

The Inventory View provides user access to Inventory Items and the purchase order detail items.  Select the Inventory Main Menu > Inventory View and the following screen shows a list of Inventory Items.

Initially, the screen will display all products in alphabetical sequence by Product Description and as shown below the information can be filtered by Category, Sub-Category and Subset:

When you highlight an inventory line item you can:

  • Double click to open the detail view for that inventory item or
  • Right click, to show options to Open Detail View or View Inventory Detail Items.

This is a view of inventory detail from purchase orders or inventory receiving:

Below, the checkbox in the upper right is used to display only inventory with On-Hand balances.  To show all inventory items, un-check the box.



You may have a need to export your displayed inventory items to excel.  If so, you can include additional information when you check the second box to “Show Category, Sub-Category and Image Links.”  Image Links are links to your pictures associated with the inventory item. This button, at the bottom of the screen, will export inventory items to excel:


Selection options to display inventory items on the Inventory View are:

  • Primary Vendor
  • Category
  • Sub-Category Filter
  • Subset Filter (used for color, variety, etc.)
  • Product Code/SKU (partial code entered will list all matching)
  • Description Search
  • MFG Code Search

The bottom of the Inventory View screen will:

  • PRINT a list of items you have selected
  • Create a NEW inventory item
  • View Inventory Detail Items & Enter Adjustments
  • Export to Excel
  • Export IFD Data
  • Clear Searches
  • Refresh Screen

Inventory Item Maintenance

Inventory Items are the focal point of the SMARTSystem.

By selecting the Inventory Menu you can access your Inventory using the Inventory View or Inventory Entry.  The Inventory Menu lists many sub-menu selections to manager your inventory items.

There are certain pre-requisites that are required for inventory maintenance to function smoothly.  These pre-requisites on the Inventory Menu and include:

  • Product Type
  • Product Category Filter
  • Product Sub-Category Filter
  • Product Subset Filter
  • Product Size
  • Unit of Measure View
  • Unit of Measure to create Associated Products
  • Item LocationSelect the following from the Purchase Orders Main Menu:
  • Vendor
  • Buyer

On the Inventory Main Menu, select Product Filter Maintenance to access most of the items listed above:

The Inventory Table Maintenance program has 6 tabs.  These tabs are:

  • General Info
  • Inventory Info
  • Vendor Info
  • Accounting Info
  • Customs Info
  • Product Picture

General Info Tab:

The General Info Tab provides for the basic, minimum setup information needed for a new Inventory Item as illustrated below.

Required fields to create an inventory item are:

  • Category
  • Sub-Category
  • Product Code
  • Description
  • Product Type
  • Purchase Unit of Measure
  • Purchase Item Quantity
  • Selling Unit of Measure
  • Selling Item Quantity

Each Inventory Item has specific filters assigned to it for quick access to inventory information.  These filters are Category, Sub-Category, Subset and Size as shown. 

Each of these filters are pre-requisites and if you are in the middle of creating an inventory item that does not have a filter defined, select Product Filter Maintenance from the Main Inventory Menu and create it. After it is created, select the Refresh List button (upper right) to make it available in the drop down menu.

The “Generate Product Code” button will be highlighted for a new entry.  If you click it, the Product Code for this inventory item will be created from the codes used from each of the filters you selected. Normally, this button is not used and you enter a Product Code with a maximum length of 14 characters.

The Product Description can be up to 50 characters, but its best to keep it under 35 characters for easy readability on screens and reports. 

You can set a color background for each description by clicking the “Select Background Color” button and selecting a color.

The Product Type has two main purposes:

  1. To establish the percent of Mark-up or Margin for each inventory item, and
  2. To organize products by Product Type printed on the Pick Ticket.

The SMARTSystem will calculate your preferred Mark-up or Margin based on Product Type specified for each inventory item and apply that margin to Customer Sales Price Levels. Each customer is assigned a Sales Price Level.   

Typically, your Sales Price Level 1 would be your most widely used margin down to Price Level 5 as your lowest margin.  Only Price Level 1 is required. See  example below:

Products on the Pick Ticket are organized by Product Type.  In the example below, Fresh Flowers and Supplies are Product Types.

Next, the Units of Measure are defined in the Units of Measure Table as illustrated below:

In the Inventory record as illustrated below, the Purchase Unit of Measure is the default box size defined in the Unit of Measure Table and will be used to automatically create purchase order entries when the option is selected.  Associated with this entry is the default Purchase Item Quantity showing the number of items, stems, pieces, etc. that would normally be packed in the Purchase Unit of Measure entry.

Selling Unit of Measure and Selling Item Quantity defines the way you sell product:  stems, bunches, each, etc. and the quantity.  For example, Roses sold by bunch containing 25 stems. 

Units per Tag are used to calculate the correct number of tags to print.  A Tag or Sales Label is used to tag the product set aside for customers.  The following is a Tag without bar code:


The following check boxes are used to set characteristics of each inventory item:          

Current Landed Cost is updated when a purchase order is received or costs are entered when using Inventory Receiving program for non-purchase order items.  

Average Landed Cost is updated depending upon the cost options specified in System Control.  Select Menu Control Info menu > System Control > Options:

Sales Price Levels 1 – 5 are updated automatically when the PO is received unless you have Manually Updated Sales Prices set in System Control:

When Manually Update Sales Prices are unchecked, the purchase order receiving process will update Sales Price Levels 1 – 5 based on your Price Level Factors in the Product Type for each inventory item.  Otherwise, when the checkbox is set, you control the Sales Price Levels manually.

The Buyer Code is used to identify who is responsible for buying this product.

Retail Price (for Labels) is used for retail price labels.

Print Receiving Labels checked on will force the printing of box receiving for each purchase order received.  There is an option in the purchase order to set this option when you want to print Receiving Labels for boxes.

Inventory Info Tab:

There are no required fields on this screen:

Item Locations are defined in the Item Location Table.  Using the drop down menu you can select the location of this Item.  Product Shelf Location and quantity can be updated automatically using the 3190 wireless scanner for physical inventory counts.

Minimum and Maximum Stock can be updated using a spreadsheet or on this screen.  These fields are used in several Buyer Reports.

The On Hand, On Hand Hold, and On Order are automatically updated and you cannot change this information.

Cur. Purchase Item Cost, Cur. Freight Cost Per Item, Avg. Purchase Item Cost, and Avg. Freight Cost Per Item are automatically updated when a purchase order is received.

The Costing Method field is not currently being used.

UPC and GTIN Codes is entered and stored in these fields. There are several ways to capture this information, includingInventory Reconciliation.

Item Classification will default to “Stock Item” if not entered.

Old Inventory Code, Substitution, Special Note Information, Special Order Information and Default Shipping Description provide for free form entry and are not restricted.

Vendor Info Tab:

This tab is used primarily for hard goods.  The Preferred Vendors are identified on this screen. There are no required fields on this screen:

Accounting Info Tab:

These are required fields on this screen to create an inventory item:

  • G/L Sales Account
  • G/L Inventory Account
  • G/L COGS Account

G/L Adjustment Account

Select the Control Info Main Menu to select and set G/L Accounts.

This accounting information can be set manually for each inventory item or globally.  Global assignment can be found under the Management Menu, sub-menu Assign Inventory GL Accounts.

Customs Info Tab:

The Customs Info screen is used when you are clearing your own flowers.

There are no required fields on this screen:

Product Picture Tab:

Pictures can be captured and additional product information entered.

Before pictures can be selected, SMARTData Services must be installed.

Additional Product Information is a large area for text and normally used with the e-commerce SMARTSite.

There are no required fields on this screen:

Refer to Management Training Series #12 for more detailed information about Pictures.  Some of our preferences for pictures are:

  • The preferred format is .jpg or .bmp.
  • Must have URL assignments in:
    • Control Info > System Control> Doc & Dir Config
    • Add the URL’s for data and the root then SAVE:
        •  Create a New Inventory Item using CopyAn easy way to create a new inventory item with a minimum amount of data entry is to select a similar inventory item, bring it up for display and click the “Copy to New Item” button.


          This will duplicate all of the inventory information except you will be required to enter a Product Code and Description for the new item you are creating.

      Practice Drills

      The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it.

      1. Login into SMARTSystem
      2. Go to the INVENTORY Menu, select INVENTORY VIEW to search for a specific inventory item and when found double click it.
      3. Click through each tab and get familiar with the content on each screen.
      4. Add a new Inventory Item.

      Questions and Answers

      If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.