

MTS #06C – PO Standing Order Processing

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #6C – SMARTSystem PO Standing Order Processing

Purpose:  To provide a good, strong working knowledge of PO Standing Order Processing.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • PSO – Master PO Standing Order
  • PSOC – is a “child” or “copy” of a master standing order


Establish a PO Standing Order

The foundation of a PO Standing Order (PSO) is a real, live purchase order that is used as a template creating a master Standing Order.  The PSO can be created from a regular purchase order that is In Process, Ordered, or Received.  You can also create a new PSO from a “child” purchase order (PSOC).

To create a PSO do the following:

  • Display a purchase order that has been entered and that you want to repeat
  • Select the Standing Order Info tab, see example below
  • Set the Start Date of the PSO. The start date would normally be next re-order date
  • Set the End Date of the PSO. This can be one week, one month, one year, etc.
  • Click the Day or Days of the Week that this PSO is re-ordered. At least one day or multiple days can be set.

CAUTION:  This Purchase Order will now be used as a template and any changes to it will affect the “child” purchase order.

When the PSO parameters have been set, click the Update Standing Order button and the message “Recurring data has been saved” which indicates that the PSO has been saved.  See example below:

Remember that this order is now a Master Standing Order and shown on the Purchase Order View with an “M” under the SO or Standing Order column.  This order is the source of data for future PSOC’s when created.

When this Purchase Order is displayed after being set as a master PSO it will show “S/O Master” just below the Vendor Name. See below:

You can stop a master PSO by clicking on the Standing Order Information tab and click Stop Standing Order which turns off the PSO status and will be removed from the standing order view.

If Lock Standing Master Orders is set in System Control the PSO is now locked and will not allow changes. Refer to System Control section below.

Should you need to change a PSO, you can stop a master PSO by clicking on the Standing Order Information tab and click Stop Standing Order which turns off the PSO status and will be removed from the standing order view.  This will allow you to make changes to your purchase order.

PO Standing Order Processing

Under the PURCHASE ORDERS Menu, select the sub-menu item View Standing Purchase Orders. The following screen will be displayed:

There are several options for this display of PSO’s:

  • When the screen is first displayed the “Show orders to be processed on the following day of the week“ shows blank which represents the display “ALL” option.

  • You can select a specific day of the week and the default shows all PSO’s for that day of the week:

The PO master standing orders that are displayed for a day of the week are based on the selection made in the PO on the screen below:

On the Standing Purchase Order screen you can double click a line and open that PO.

Also, you can print a list of the PSO’s selected using the Print button at the bottom left.

To begin the process of creating PSO’s you can highlight a specific PSO and click the “Process the Selected Order” button.  Only one PSO can be processed at a time.

When you select “Process Selected Order”  it will display the new “child” purchase order and the following message indicates that it was created successfully.

At the top of the screen it indicates that this PO is a “S/O Child” indicating it was generated from a Master.

You can change the “Child” Standing Order as needed without impact on the Master.  Also, a new Master standing order can be created from a “Child”.

The new PSOC will have the Ship and Arrival dates automatically updated by 7 days.

After processing a Standing Order, the Standing Order View will be updated to reflect the “Next Order Date” and the date “Last Processed”.

System Control Options

PO Master Standing Orders are locked down with the same feature as used in Sales Standing Orders. Go to the System Control Table, Sales Options tab, General tab that locks the master Standing Master Orders to prevent them from being changed by accident:

If you need to change a PO that is set as a master standing order, PSO just click

Stop Standing Order which turns off the PSO status and will be removed from the standing order view.

Preparation to Go Live

Purchase Orders entered in the following manner will not be removed when test transactions are cleared from the SMARTSystem database before the Go Live event: 

  • Enter the PO as a real purchase order that will be the first one processed when we Go Live

It must stay in “IP” (in-process) status

  • On the Standing Order tab, enter the Start Date of the recurring standing order after it has been processed for the first week
  • Enter the End Date and the day of the week check box to order

Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem.
  3. Create a new Purchase Order and set it as a Standing Order.Exit the PO.
  4. See the View showing that PO is now a Master.
  5. Display the Standing Order View and check out the Standing Order you just created.
  6. Go through this training document and gain experience by trying different scenarios with PO Standing Orders.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306for assistance.