
run-time error

Quick Books Runtime Error -2147221164 (80040154) Class Not Registered When Importing Transactions

Although Classes can be set up inside SMART, not all classes are the same when it comes to this runtime error message. 

The troubleshoot:  Verify classes are set up in Quick Books by going to Lists > Class List.  If the class you have set up in SMARTSystem is not in the list, add it per Quick Books procedure.  Now retry the import. 

If the import still fails, you will need to verify the Quickbooks SDK program has been installed on your computer.  To locate the program, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.  In the list of installed programs, you will see “Quickbooks SDK 7.0”  If it is not in the list, call our Tech Support to get it installed properly. 

Installing the Quick Books Import Tool has a very specific sequence of events to ensure it installs correctly.  Missing a step can cause issues such as this runtime error.  Even if your IT team is excellent at what they do, they will need to consult with our tech team to ensure a proper installation if they will be doing it, or request we do the installation for you.