SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #5G – SMARTSystem Sales Order Alternate Sales Rep
Purpose: To capture the Alternate Sales Rep on a Sales Order when not the primary sales rep.
Keywords: The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.
- Primary Sales Rep is Salesperson 1 under Customer Table Maintenance. The Secondary Sales Rep is Salesperson 2 which is not the Alternate Sales Rep:
SMARTSystem Option:
- The Primary Sales Rep (Salesperson 1) is normally the default “Rep” for a sales order, unless the SMARTSystem option to set the “Rep” as the User logged on. When this checkbox is set the Alternate Sales Rep option is bypassed.
The Sales Rep names use the “Nick Name” from the Staff Table:
When the “Use Logged in Sales Person on Sales Orders” switch is off in System Control this Alternate Sales Rep feature is operational.
The Alternate Sales Rep is shown in the “Entered by” field on the Sales Order:
When the logged in SMARTSystem User matches the Rep (Primary Sales Rep from the customer), then the Alternate Sales Rep is not required in the Entered by field of the sales order.
Only when a new sales order is created the logged in User gets checked. If the User is not the Rep (Primary Sales Rep) then an Alternate Sales Rep is required. The Alternate Sales Rep is not automatically entered from the User log in. It needs to be selected manually by the User from the drop down menu of staff names.
If the Alternate Sales Rep is blank or the User logged in does not match the Rep, then the following error message is displayed when adding product to the order:
When this error is displayed, the selected product is not added to the order.
This feature applies to both a regular sales order and a pre-book order.
The flexibility has been provide for management using some else’s workstation to enter their name as Entered by.
Standard Pick Ticket will show the “Rep / Alternate Rep” names.
Note: when sales standing orders are created the Alternate Rep will not be prompted.
Select the Alternate Sales Rep Report from the Reports > Management Reports > Alternate Sales Rep Report menu:
The Alternate Sales Rep report will only report sales orders that have an Alternate Sales Rep entered:
From Training Session #17B – SMARTSystem Quick Books Employee Name Setup
This will show you how to make Quick Books employee records align with SMARTSystem to permit successful importing of the sales reps associated with invoices.
It is a pre-requisite that all of the staff that have invoices exported to accounting be entered manually into QuickBooks before importing invoices. Quick Books Import tool does not create new Employee records in Quick Books because there are too many variables associated with this process to perform this action accurately.
The Middle Initial: The compatibility issue revolves around whether or not the sales person has a middle initial. If there is no middle initial, there is no issue. SMARTSystem appends a period (.) to the middle initial to make sure it is easy to read when displayed or printed. This can cause incompatibility with Quick Books, which does not automatically append a period to the middle initial of the employee.
The SMARTSystem staff name with a middle initial will look like this:
In the Quick Books Employee Center the middle initial must be present and have a period after it or it will not be recognized during the import process.
To modify an existing Employee in Quick Books, open the Employee Center:
Then right click on the employee you would like to edit and, on the pop-up menu, left click on “Edit Employee”:
Once you click “Edit Employee” the following screen will appear in Quick Books:
To add the period to the Middle initial, click to the right of the Middle initial in the M.I. field and type a period.
Click OK when done to save the change to the Employee Record.
No Middle Initial: If the sales person record in SMART System does not have a middle initial, nothing is required in Quick Books for compatibility. The Period is NOT added to staff records with no middle initial.
Setting up the Employee as a Sales Rep:
When completed adding employee names, go to the Employee Center, select Manage Employee Information and click Add/Edit Sales Rep
The Sales Rep List will show the employee names and the Initials must coincide with the name. For example, if the name is Julia M Ortiz as shown below the initials must coincide: “JMO”