
sales summary

John’s Journal, Issue #13 – Sales Summary Screen Improvements

John’s Journal is a newsletter to provide SMARTSystem™ Users with the latest software highlights and solutions to improve business operations.

The Sales Summary Screen has been revised with enhancements that allow improved flexibility with additional fields displayed.  The products listed on this screen are in the order of your selection.

Here are a few of the enhanced features for you:

  • New fields added to the Summary Screen are:  Pack, Total Units, and the Box Id# when you move the scroll bar to the right.
  • Any of the columns can be sorted in ascending or descending sequence by clicking the column heading.  In the example below, the Product Description was sorted in ascending/alphabetical sequence

  • You can move the columns to re-arrange the order of information. Just left click your mouse on the column you want to move and drag it to the location you want. In the example below, the Product Code was moved to the end of the list so that the Product Description would be the first column to view:

I hope that these improvements will help you operate more efficiently. If you have any questions, please contact us for assistance.

Our goal is to provide you with software tools to make your job easier and improve your success with quality service delivered quickly.

Sincerely, John Henderson