
shipping menu

Warehouse Order Management – Bill of Lading

SMARTSystem Shipping Menu

Warehouse Order Management – Bill of Lading

Purpose:  How the Nursery Certificate can be printed on the Bill of Lading.

Keywords:  The following is a key term used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Nursery Certificate is a .jpg file.  Here is an example of the Certificate:


How to Setup the Nursery Certificate to print on the Bill of Lading:

Your Nursery Certificate file is named BOL.jpg

This file must be placed in the “LOGOS” folder on each computer that will print the Bill of Lading.  The LOGOS folder location is:



An example of the Bill of Lading with the Nursery Certificate is shown below:




Box Reports

SMARTSystem Shipping Menu

Box Reports

Purpose:  This report has been created to simplify warehouse operation’s ability to verify box counts on pallets, and if the count is off, to quickly locate the missing box by seeing the breakdown by customers.


Keywords:  The following is a key term used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Ship Via – transportation code/description: your routes, carriers, etc. In-bound and Out-bound transportation.


Using the Report:

Click on the Shipping menu item, and locate the “Box Reports” item in the list.  


Clicking on the menu item will launch the Box Reports selection screen.  


There are two reports that can be run from this screen:

  • The Box Summary Report:  

  • The Box Report by Ship Via/Customer


The Box Summary Report will return an alphabetical listing by Ship Via name, the total amount of each type of box, a total of all boxes being shipped by each Ship Via, and a report total of all boxes shipped.  

This report can also be selected by specific Ship Via’s as shown below:

The Customer filter does not apply to the Summary Box Report, by design.


The Box Report by Ship Via/Customer will return the total number of boxes of each box type for a customer, and also give a total of all boxes each customer is receiving.  This report groups the information by Ship Via’s and lists each customer within that group.  It sums the total of all boxes being shipped.  

The Ship Via filter can be used to filter out only those customers for a specific Ship Via:

The Customer filter may be used to view a specific customer, no matter the Ship Via:

These reports may be printed, or exported to an Excel spreadsheet, PDF, or Word document.  


If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.


Practice Drill

The purpose of Practice Drill is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it.  

  1. Login into SMARTSystem
  2. Go to the SHIPPING Menu and select BOX REPORTS.
  3. Select a Date Range, then click on UPDATE REPORT and review the results.  
  4. Select a SHIP VIA to filter.  Click on UPDATE REPORT and review the results.
  5. Switch to the other report by clicking on the radio button for Box Report by Ship Via/Customer.
  6. Click on UPDATE REPORT and review the results.  
  7. Using the Customer filter, select one of the customers in the list.
  8. Click on UPDATE REPORT and review the results.  
  9. You may test the output by printing and/or exporting.