
stock status report

John’s Journal, Issue #19 – Stock Status Report

John’s Journal is a newsletter to provide SMARTSystem™ Users with the latest software highlights and solutions to improve business operations.

The SMARTSystem has a powerful new Stock Status Report to show the current inventory level of selected products, what is on-order and costs. A sample of this report is illustrated below with several report options.  

This report can be selected by:

  • a specific Vendor or ALL Vendors,
  • by a specific Product Category or ALL Categories,
  • by a specific Product Item group or ALL Items,
  • by a portion or ALL of a Product Code group, and/or
  • by a portion of or ALL of the Product Description.

Using the program options on the task bar you can print this report, export it to Excel or create a PDF report file.

You will find this Stock Status Report on the Reports Menu under Inventory Reports, Stock Status Report.


Our goal is to provide you with software tools to make your job easier and improve your success with quality service delivered quickly. Your feedback is always welcome.  Our Support Line number is 727-483-5306.

Sincerely, John Henderson