

MTS #13 – Operations and Support

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #13 – SMARTSystem Operations and Support

Purpose: To understand how the SMARTSystem is updated and the steps for

each User to take in this process.

Keywords: The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that

you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Click-Once Deployment – Microsoft per user deployment technology that allows for automatic updates of software via the internet.


These changes and improvements to SMARTSystem software are published to you

periodically with an alert message “Update Available” when you click the

SMARTSystem icon. The alert message looks like this:


Each PC user should click “OK” and the program update will automatically

install. If you want to bypass the update, click the red “X” and the next time you click the SMARTSystem icon you will be prompted again for the update.

If you click “Skip” you will not be prompted again for an update. This is the way

Microsoft designed it to permanently opt-out of the update process. To reactivate

the automatic update process, go to your internet browser and enter your link in the

address line:

“Yourcompanypublishingpoints.floralsoftware.com” to install your latest version.


It is very important that all Users receive updates to keep the SMARTSystem

program and your database synchronized amongst all Users. It is your

responsibility to maintain the current version by clicking “OK” on the message


When you click “OK” to install the SMARTSystem updates, the following screen

will give you installation progress. The entire process normally takes less than 2

minutes, depending on your internet connection speed.



The only exception to the above procedure is for Terminal Server (Remote) Users

using a desktop icon to access the SMARTSystem. This does not apply.


Prepare a high quality .jpg for creating the SMARTSystem Logos and Desktop. Please forward to Support@Floralcomputer.com for installation help.

Invoices and labels use 1024 x 681 just rename the files:

  • largelogo.jpg,
  • mediumlogo.jpg,
  • smalllogo.jpg,
  • labellogo.jpg

The Desktop logo uses 1280  x 1024 and name your file:

  • logo.bmp
  • The desktop logo.bmp must be placed inside of the Logo folder which contains a folder called background in order to render to the SMARTSystem desktop.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.

How to get an update if you missed the auto-prompt

If the update gets missed, then you’ll need to go to your company’s “publishing point” to download and install the current version of SMARTSystem.  Usually the address will be [Your company name].floralsoftware.com.  If you are uncertain, please call our technical support number to get the download address. 

When ready to download, be sure to use Internet Explorer or Edge browsers.  The installation is a special Microsoft install package that needs a Microsoft browser to work properly.

Here’s how this all works:

    • Launch Internet Explorer (or Edge)
    • Type [Your company name].floralsoftware.com in the browser’s address bar.


    • Click on the Install button
    • It will download and automatically install the latest version of SMARTSystem
    • Once the download/install is completed, you’re all set.