
John’s Journal, Issue #5 – SMARTSite and SMARTGraph Improvements

Our goal is to provide you with tools to make your job easier and improve your success with quality service delivered quickly.

This week we completed valuable upgrades to our new SMARTSite™ and SMARTGraph™ software.

SMARTSite is our new integrated E-Commerce website that creates sales orders directly in the SMARTSystem.  If affects real-time inventory to prevent over selling product, sends an email confirmation to the customer and sales rep on the account. Over the last couple of weeks we have enhanced the SMARTSite to process advanced orders and that automatically create a Pre-book in the SMARTSystem.  There is a built in safety feature to prevent customers from ordering more than 14 days in advance.  If an order is place for more than 14 days in the future, a message will be displayed to the customer that they have to call the office to place the order.  Pre-book order confirmations emailed to the customer specify “PRE-BOOK ORDER FOR MM/DD/2012.  By the way, SMARTSite will run on a tablet PC so you and your customers can place orders “on the go”.

SMARTGraph is design to give the Sales Manager direct observation of production by his sales team. We make it easy with SMARTGraph which can be adjusted to any size and remain on your desktop throughout the day.  It will update the status of sales every 30 seconds. A new option has been added to SMARTGraph to provide an instant answer to the age old question: “how are we doing month-to-date?”  This is a great tool for the Sales Manager to monitor the sales activity throughout the day and quickly evaluate areas that need attention. To install this program type in:  smartgraph.floralsoftware.com  A sample graph is below.

Sincerely, John Henderson


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