
MTS #16 – Go Live Event Checklist

SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #16 – Go Live Event Checklist


Purpose:  Provide a smooth SMARTSystem Go Live start-up

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Go Live Event – Is the coordination of all activities to begin operations using the SMARTSystem.

Go Live Date Decision

The Go Live Date depends on two primary factors:

  1. Staff understanding of how to use the SMARTSystem and
  2. Using the new System to get their work done, without confusion.

Major Steps to achieve Go Live status:

  • Imports are completed and information verified:
    • Customers
    • Vendors
    • Inventory
  • Staff comfortable using the SMARTSystem
  • Staff using the SMARTSystem to simulate daily activity.
  • Quick Books is up and running.
  • Computers, printers and scanners setup and configured for daily operations.
  • Inventory balance capture procedures established and working in a test environment:
    • Fresh
    • Supplies
  • Decision to Go Live and set a date.
  • Database cleared/reset after staff completes their training and testing.
  • Actual inventory balance forwards input and verified
  • Begin using the new System

Go Live Week:

  • System Control settings:
    1. System Options
    2. Default G/L accounts
    3. Reset starting numbers for:
      1. Invoice Number
      2. Sales Order Number
      3. PO Number
    4. SMTP for emailing


  • Make sure that SQL backup is running nightly
  • Save SQL backup to an external drive to be rotated weekly
  • Clear database of all transactions
  • Remove inactive records from:
    1. Customers
    2. Vendors
    3. Inventory
  • Enter PO Standing Orders, if not already done.

Note: remember the first PO entry is a real PO to be ordered.

  • Enter Sales Standing Orders, if not already done.  

Note: remember the first Sales entry is a real Sales Order.

  • Take Inventory and enter Balance Forwards for:
    1. Supplies
    2. Fresh
  • Begin Operations with the new System.
  • When the day is finished execute the SMARTSystem End-of-Day checklist.

Follow-up Project:

Identify non-floral vendors to inactivate in SMARTSystem:

  • Inactivate using Vendor Maintenance or
  • Create a vendor excel spreadsheet
    1. Set status code to “I” to inactive for non-floral vendors
    2. Import inactive file
  • Purge inactive vendors


Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance

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