SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #18 – SMARTSystem Grower Packing and Shipping Configurations
The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step detail of how to configure the Packing and Shipping for Growers and show how sales staff can identify how product sold will be packed using specified box types.
Overview:SMARTSystem Management Training Series
There are two basic approaches for a grower to define how products are packed and shipped in the SMARTSystem:
- the sales staff tell the warehouse how they want the boxes packed, or
- the warehouse determines the best approach.
Examples in the Sales Sequence Section below represent how the sales staff can determine how boxes are packed and automatically generate the proper box charges.
System Control Configuration:
- The Packing and Shipping for Growers uses the Advanced Shipping Features:
a. System Control, System Shipping Information tab
b. Check “Enable Advanced Shipping
2. If you want to print the Bills of Lading from the Warehouse Order Management Screen:
a. Select System Control > Sales Options > Sales Options > Hide / Show Options
b. Check “Show Bills of Lading in Warehouse Order Management
3. Set Pick Ticket Type 2 and Grower Customer Invoice when using Advanced Shipping features.
See examples below
Pick Ticket Type 2:
Grower Customer Invoice:
Grower Shipping Labels (Type G2):
Configuration for Inventory:
4. Create inventory items for Packing Materials to create charges and enter a quantity.
5. Using the Unit of Measure maintenance program under the Inventory Menu, create the cross reference for box/packing charges based on the Unit of Measure:
a. When completed the Units of Measure View should look like this to identify the packing material inventory items in the “Associated Product Code”.
b. The box/packing charges are for Non-FOB customers only.
Configuration for Ship Via:
6. Set the specific Ship Via records for Grower Style 2 (G2) label format to print the following label format:
Grower Shipping Labels (Type G2):
Configuration for Customer Types:
- Set the FOB checkbox in the Customer Type table to indicate “FOB” customers no matter what Customer Type Name you assign:
Note: Box/Packing materials can be manually selected or automatically generated as a line item on the Sales Summary screen for charges
Sales Sequence:
- Sales Order Entry sequence:
a. Products sold are shown on the Summary tab:
b. The Shipping tab will list the Products sold to define packing.
c. On the Shipping tab right click to display “Add New Box” or “Add to an Existing Box”:
d. Click “Add New Box” and the following pop-up entry is displayed:
e. Enter the Number of Boxes
i. Box Number will automatically be assigned in sequence when adding a new box or you can enter a box number
ii. The Quantity to Add will be the number of units
iii. Number of Boxes entered will automatically create Box/Packing Charges on the Summary screen, except FOB Customers.
iv. The SKU can be entered and show on the top portion of the screen in the SKU column
v. Select from the drop down the box size
vi. Enter Comment for the label
f. Right click on the second product and the following screen will be displayed:
i. It will show the last box number added
ii. The quantity is automatically entered
iii. Enter the SKU if it applies
iv. Enter a comment if not previously entered for this box
- The results look like this
- Two box charge entries are automatically made on the Summary Screen:
Pick Ticket Type 2:
Grower Shipping Label (G2):
Grower Customer Invoice: