
MTS #06B – Purchase Order Processing Continued

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #6B – SMARTSystem Purchase Order Processing Continued

Purpose:  To gain a good, strong working knowledge of Purchase Order Processing.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem

that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Allocation-is the assignment of product for Pre-Book Sales Orders to Purchase Orders.
  • Mixed Box-a box containing a several different products.

PO Entry and Receiving Continued

Product Information Screen

The Product Information screen will display products enter from this screen or products entered from the Quick Entry screen.

This screen provides for the entry of product and additional features.  These additional features are:

  • Line Item Edit Screen
  • Product History
  • Mixed Box Entry
  • Recalculate Sales Prices
  • Recalculate Shipping

Line Item Edit Screen

After entering a PO line items you may need to make changes.  The simplest way to make changes to a PO line item is to use the edit screen.

Just click on the line to change in the line summary portion of the Product Information screen below and it will activate the Line Item Edit screen.

This Line Item Edit screen will allow you to make changes to specific fields only.  You cannot change the Product Code or Description.  You must delete the line to change product.

The following fields can be changed on this screen:

  • Purchase Quantity Ordered
  • Purchase Quantity Received
  • Farm
  • Internal Comment
  • Purchase Item Cost
  • Purchase Unit of Measure
  • Purchase Item Qty
  • Purchase Item Freight
  • Sales Price

After making your changes click the Update button to save your changes and you will return to the Product Information screen:

Or you can click the Delete button to remove the line item from the PO.

Click EXIT to return and not make any changes to the line item.

Product History Screen


When entering a PO line item and before you click the Add Selection button, click the Product History button to show the last 10 purchases of this product.


The last 10 purchase orders Received containing this product will be displayed:

Mixed Box Entry Screen

Enter a Mixed Box by clicking this button  to display the Mixed Box entry screen:

Information entered when creating the Mixed Box is in 2 parts:  Box information is at the top and contents of the Mixed Box.

Box information:

  • Type of Box – is used to calculate freight for landed costs
  • # Boxes – quantity
  • Pack – number of units/stems in the box
  • Farm – default Farm is the Vendors Farm Code

The products contained in the box are itemized:

  • Select by Product Code or Product Description
  • Quantity – number of units/stems in the box for this line item
  • Item Cost – cost per unit
  • Sales Price – will be calculated based on your defined margin or you can set the sales price yourself

Click the Add to Box button to add your entry to the Mixed Box Summary portion of the screen:

To delete a line item, click on the line and press the delete key on your keyboard.

When you click the Add to Order button the Mixed Box items will be added to the PO Summary.  Refer to the last 4 lines below:

To access the Mixed Box screen again, just click on one of the line items.

Multiple Mixed Boxes can be created on a purchase order.  By moving the slide bar at the bottom of the screen to the right there is a “Mixed Box” column which identifies the lines associated with each Mixed Box entry.

The “Add Unallocated Items” cannot be used to create a Mixed Box:

Recalculate Sales Prices

The Recalculate Sales Prices is used when you want to force the recalculation of the Sales Prices after costs have changed.  This would usually be done after Recalculate Shipping button is pressed.

Recalculate Shipping

The Recalculate Shipping button is used to force the recalculation and allocation of the additional costs resulting in a revised Landed Cost.

These buttons are display as follows:

     Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem
  3. Click NEW PO at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Enter several line items to the PO
  5. Enter at least one Mixed Box entry with multiple items in the box.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.

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