To provide a method of entering product harvested from a specific location, track it and receive it into On-Hand Inventory for sale.
A typical workflow would be:
- There are two basic workflows considered for this process:
- Product is picked from the greenhouses/fields and entered in this program as a batch to be adjusted after the grading process or
- Product is picked and moved to the packing house for grading, tally sheets created and entered as a batch identifying the source.
- Products are finished, in containers and grouped onto rolling tables to await transportation to the warehouse for sale to customers
- Labels can be printed prior to product arriving at the warehouse to save time during the processing procedure.
- The only report needed when posting is summary quantity of product by grade posted to on-hand inventory.
A grower may have several remote farm locations with, or without, internet access. The process will be for the farm locations to submit batches of products during the day and the next morning before the product arrives in the warehouse. If there is no Internet connection, then the batches may be entered in once they arrive at the warehouse and graded by the receiving warehouse personnel.
A printed list of each batch will be checked for product quality and adjust the number of stems entered if the batches were submitted by the pickers.
Step 1: The Batch Entry Screen
The Batch Entry Screen is the starting point for this process.
Batch # is the current batch number and will automatically increment as new batches are added. This cannot be changed.
Lot # is automatically assigned for each picker.
Date will automatically fill in with today’s date, and cannot be changed.
Source is the farm the product has been harvested from. As a pre-requisite, you must enter the farm names into the Source Maintenance Table, and the Batch Entry column box must be checked. The Source Maintenance Table is accessed through the Vendor Menu:
Picker is the person who is inputting the data
The Category, Sub-Category, Subset, Product Code Search and Description Search filters are to help locate the items being harvested so quantity may be entered.
Only Load Batch Entries checkbox will filter out and display only the items that have had quantities added to them when checked.
The inventory item’s cost is captured from the inventory item as either “landed costs or WAC” based on the System Control settings.
Step 2: Entering a batch of product
The Batch Entry screen is used to enter a batch of product picked in the field, sorted and graded. A list of product variety/grade is made and entered. The filters are used to reduce the number of products on the screen to simplify entry of flowers harvested.
Using the filters, we are showing all the Callas with “hot” in the description to select/enter in the quantity that has been harvested. Before the batches are entered into the system, the farm staff will grade the product and remove low quality products from the batch.
The picker will select the source farm from the drop-down list and will enter in their name. They can then select the category, sub-category, and subset to narrow down the results. They can also zero in on one specific item by using the product code or description search.
All flowers entered on this screen will be associated with one batch (Lot#). The “DONE” button on the screen is used to complete the process which will start a new batch.
At the bottom of the QTY column you will see the accumulated total QTY entered.
Multiple product entries can be “saved” while entering without completing the batch. The batch will not be considered complete until the user clicks the “Done” button.
All records written within the batch will be assigned the same lot number.
All items in the batch can be edited until the point that the batch is marked as done.
Editing will allow the following:
- Changing the quantity associated with an item in the lot.
- Deleting an item in the lot.
The batches are sent down to the warehouse electronically, if there is Internet connectivity. Trucks with product are driven down to the warehouse where the products are received.
Step 3: Warehouse verification step
The warehouse staff does a quick count and verification step for the open batches not yet processed, using the Batch# as a reference. In the case where there is no Internet connectivity, they will count and enter in the amounts for each batch as described above.
The warehouse staff person will open the Batch Production Data Entry program and select a batch #. By checking the “Only Load Batch Entries” checkbox, only those items that have been added to that batch will be shown.
This screen will allow the warehouse staff to edit and delete specific line items in the lots in case of entry errors at the farm. Using this screen, the warehouse staff will have the ability to:
- Change Quantities
- Change the product from one product to another.
- Delete a line item from the lot completely.
To change a quantity, select the quantity that needs to be changed and simply type in the new amount.
To change the product from one product to another:
- Locate the new product
- Enter in the picker’s name in the top “Picker” field
- Enter in the quantity
- Click “Save.”
- Locate the product you are replacing in the batch
- Zero out its quantity
- Click “Save.”
To delete a line item from the lot, simply zero out the quantity. When “Save” is clicked, the product will be removed.
Clicking on the “Print Batch Data” button will generate a report of the batches for the warehouse. Each batch will sort by product description to keep all the same products together. This report shows:
- Date
- Batch Number
- Page #
- Detail lines:
- Source code for this batch
- Picker
- Product code
- Product Description
- Selling Unit of Measure
- Quantity
- The report’s header will also show the total items in the batch
Step 4: Posting quantities to on-hand inventory
Only Batch Production Managers can post harvested batches to on-hand inventory.
This setting is located in the person’s Staff record (Staff > Staff Entry) on the “Staff Options” tab.
Once a person is designated as a Batch Production Manager, a hidden button will be visible on the screen to “Complete Batch.” Clicking on it will cause the quantities to get added to on-hand inventory with the original Lot# so product can be tracked back to the source.
When all changes are completed, click the button to “Complete Batch. The inventory will be posted to your on-hand amounts, and a batch report will automatically launch.
When viewing the “Inventory Detail Items” for each of the products received, each item within the batch will create a receiving lot with the batch number in the Internal Comments field to identify Batch Receiving.
* * End of Document * *
SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #2 – SMARTSystem Menus, Staff Entry and Security
Purpose: To provide an overview of each SMARTSystem Main Menu, Sub-menus, Staff permissions and Security.
Keywords: The following is a list of key terms used in the SMART System that you should be familiar with and understand.
For example, in order to standardize information in the SMARTSystem we utilize pre-requisites. A Pre-requisite is required prior to the entering of some other data. For example, a salesperson (staff entry) is needed prior to entering customers.
Here are some other keywords to review and become familiar with:
- Menu – A list of primary options.
- Sub-menu – A list of options available under a Main Menu.
- Table – Refers to data (pieces of information) arranged in rows and columns, as in a spreadsheet. In the SMARTSystem all information is stored in the form of tables.
- Spreadsheet – Is a table of values arranged in rows and columns, like an Excel spreadsheet.
- Columns – a column is a vertical line of characters from the top to the bottom of the screen
- Rows – a row is a horizontal line containing a series of fields placed next to each other.
- Database – An organized collection of data.
- Data – The quantities, characters, numbers and symbols that are entered, stored and used in the computer.
- POS – Point of Sale
- SQL (Structured Query Language) – is a program responsible for managing the SMARTSystem information in the database.
- View – a term used in the SMARTSystem to be able to see and select information.
- System Control – a specific table that stores information used to configure and save your Company information in the SMARTSystem.
Training Procedure for this Training Session:
- Introduction to Terminology
- Go through the menus across the top of the screen
- Select each Main Menu
- Go over the sub-menus below each Main Menu
- Proceed to the next menu
- Do Staff Entry, Permissions and set Security
Introduction to Windows Terminology:
The Microsoft Windows terminology for the window itself is illustrated below:
SMARTSystem Title Bar & Menu Bar:
The blue bar across the top of the screen is called the TITLE Bar. It provides information at the top of the window identifying the SMARTSystem program name, Version number as shown above “Version” the User currently logged onto the SMARTSystem and the name of the Workstation you are on. When your local network environment is all 64 Bit computers the “64 Bit Mode Enabled” is shown. This information is used by FCS Support and tells us which version of the program is running, who is logged in and what PC it is running on.
The MENU Bar above shows the main Menu items that you can access for functions within the SMARTSystem program and these main Menu items can be restricted based on a user login established for each STAFF member.
Main Menu items include:
- File
- Sales
- Purchase Orders
- Vendors
- Customers
- Staff
- Inventory
- Shipping
- Reports
- Management
- End-of-Day
- Drivers
- Control Info
- Help
Selecting each main Menu item will display their related sub-menus. The following is an example of Sub-menus under the Main menu item SALES:
Staff Menu:
Selecting the Staff Menu provides for the entry and maintenance of your Company staff information and access to related menu items:
Selecting “Staff Entry” provides for the creation and maintenance of user information for the SMARTSystem. The Staff Table Maintenance screen will be displayed showing 5 tabs: Name & Address, Personal Information, Staff Options, Advanced Security and Database Selection.
Name and Address Tab:
The Name and Address Tab contains important information and will give certain permissions to your staff.
To begin, the Staff Code can be any 5 character code or employee number. Frequently, the first few characters of the person’s first name are used.
If you do not want to enter the persons address information, just enter a period “.” in the Address Line 1 and City fields, which are required. Address Line 2 is optional.
The Division Assigned has been pre-defined for you and it can modify by you.
Additions or changes are made to this list by selecting the Division sub-menu under the Staff Menu.
The Division Assigned is required to show what area the person is working. It will not have impact on any SMARTSystem operations.
Each Staff member has an Authorization Level:
There are 4 Global Authorization Levels that function as follows:
- 0=No Access is used when someone is terminated, but their information may be referred to when accessing history information.
- 3=Manager total access to all menus and restrictions are established using the provided Advanced Security Tab.
- 1=Sales Person limits a sales person to only their customers and with other restrictions. This Authorization Level restricts access to customer accounts assigned to other sales staff.
- 2=User is the normal option which automatically restricts access to the following menus:
- STAFF and
- Additional restrictions are established using the Advanced Security Tab.
- 3=Manager total access to all menus and restrictions are established using the provided Advanced Security Tab.
- For each Staff member, you need to set a User Name and Password for them to log into the SMARTSystem. Neither entry is case sensitive,
- Personal Information Tab:
- There are only 3 required fields on this screen:
- Nick Name – allows an alias to be printed on the customer invoice
- Initials – used on screens and reports
- E-mail Address – two specific uses:
- A SMARTSystem option can be set to use the User’s email as the FROM address when emailing an invoice, price list, etc. This feature is set as follows:
Staff Options Tab:
The Default Category drop down is used to streamline a person’s logon by setting a default area for them to work. The ALL option will include all product categories. Select the drop down to identify which default Category for this User.
The Default Group drop down is used to add the sales person to a default group. These groups are set up in the Management > Sales Order Group Maintenance program. In the Sales Order Group Maintenance, program you will add items and it will automatically save the information. The groups may now be used as an additional filter in the Sales View program when looking up information tied to specific groups you’ve created and associated with the sales person.
Checkbox options are defined below for Users:
- User is a Cashier (POS Configuration Will be Applied)
For a User to have the POS Main Menu, a SMARTSystem configuration on the PC used for Point of Sale (POS PC) is required. Refer to Training Session #5B for additional information and setup.
In addition, the Staff Login needs to have this checkbox set to utilize all of the POS features when this person signs onto the POS PC.
- User is an Inventory Administrator
When the SMARTSystem is set for Weighted Average Cost (WAC), then this option applies.
Control Info > System Control > Options
The SMARTSystem will prevent any User from changing inventory costs:
- Current Landed Cost or
- Average Landed Costs
without a password.
When a User has this check box set they are authorized and do not have to enter a password.
Here is what the screen will look like when prompted for a password:
- Show totals on Sales, Invoice and PO Views
The Total Sales, in the lower right corner of these screens is available for all Users or only selected Users. For example on the Sales view:
In System Control, you can “Hide Totals on Views” for all Users by checking this box. Access to this box using menus:
Control Info > System Control > Options
Therefore, some Users with authorization can override this “Hide” option and view the Totals.
- User is a Driver
The “Driver Check-in” feature is used by delivery drivers to check in their work on a daily basis after completing a route. Display this Main menu by unchecking this option:
Control Info > System Control > Sales Options > Hide/Show Options
- User is a Surcharge Administrator
A password is required to change a Customer Surcharge. A User can be assigned responsibility to change customer surcharges and by checking this box in their staff record they will not be required to enter a password:
This checkbox, on the second tab “Sales Info” in the Customer table sets Surcharges by customer.
- Include in Dashboard
The Manager’s Dashboard is a software module to keep owners and manager’s updated on today’s sales activity. A separate icon will appear on your desktop to select the Manager’s Dashboard program:
Checking this box will include the User in the Dashboard statistics:
Sample Dashboard showing Weekly Report:
- User Cannot Cancel Sales Orders
When this option has been set, Sales Orders not Invoiced cannot be CANCELLED:
the red CANCEL button does not show on the Sales Order screen:
- User Can Cancel Invoiced Sales Orders
When this checkbox is NOT set, the following message will appear when a User attempts to cancel an invoiced sales order:
If this checkbox is set the invoiced sales order can be CANCELLED using the Supervisor Password:
- User can Delete Credit Memos
A User with this checkbox can access credit memos and a button will appear to “Delete Credit Memo” from the System. There is no audit trail with this action.
This option is only used when the program is set for Mass Market, Bouquet operations:
- Only allow printing options in Recipe Portal
This applies to our bouquet recipe portal only. The user logged in will not have the print button visible to print documents:
Advanced Security Tab:
User access to the Menus and Sub-menus is defined under the Advanced Security.
The yellow highlighted line represents the main MENU items on the menu bar. When unchecked all of the items under it are not available.
All menus and sub-menus can be checked by clicking Check All. Uncheck All will remove all menus and sub-menus. You must check which ones this user has access to when logged on.
See the Master Menu Overview below for additional information.
Database Selection Tab:
When multiple branches exist there may be multiple databases involved. If there is more than one database available, this selection would be the default database this User is assigned to or the location they are working at to process transactions.
Now, continuing to review the main Menus from left to right we have:
Master Menu Overview:
This Menu should be restricted to senior staff. It provides sub-menus to import data, backup the database, restore the database, log off and exit.
You do not want anyone to restore the Database unless they know where the last backup is stored and why they are doing it. See the File Menu selection below:
The screen below represents the Sales Menu items that are available.
The Sales Menu will provide access to all sales related functions. Prior to entering a sales order there are pre-requisites required, such as, entering your sales staff, assigning staff to your customers, establishing terms, etc.
The sub-menu items at the bottom of the Sales Menu that have “(Inquiry)” are for your sales staff with limited access to your information. This “Inquiry” only program will allow a User to view information, but not change it.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Sales Menu selection below:
Purchase Orders
The screen below represents the Purchase Order Menu items that are available.
The Purchase Order Menu will provide access to all buying related functions. Prior to entering a purchase order there are pre-requisites required, such as, establishing vendors, vendor farm codes for selective selling, buyers, ship via, etc.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Purchase Order Menu selection below:
There are certain pre-requisites that are required for vendor information to function smoothly. These pre-requisites include: vendor type, terms, ship via, state and country tables.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Vendor Menu selection below:
There are certain pre-requisites that are required for customer information to function smoothly. These pre-requisites include: salesperson, customer type, terms and ship via.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Customer Menu selection below:
The Staff Menu was already reviewed above.
There are certain pre-requisites that are required for inventory information to function smoothly. These pre-requisites include: product type, product category, product item, product size, product color, unit of measure, etc.
The items on this menu below “Hold List Processing” apply to a SMARTSystem configuration for bucket truck operations.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Inventory Menu selection below:
The Shipping function provides solutions for warehouse operations to maintain better control.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Shipping Menu selection below:
There are seven areas of reporting which consist of additional sub-menus:
- Sales Reports
- Purchasing Reports
- Inventory Reports
- Grower Reports
- Management Reports
- Labels
- SMART Mobile Suite
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Reports Menu selection below:
This function provides menu items that are normally managed by supervisory staff.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Management Menu selection below:
The End-of-Day process will export information from your SMARTSystem to your accounting system which includes:
- New Customers or changes to customer information
- New Vendors or changes to vendor information
- New Inventory Items or changes to Inventory information
- Inventory Adjustments
- Received Purchase Orders
- Invoiced Sales Orders
- Sales Credit Memos
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the End-of-Day Menu selection below:
Driver is for orders that are done via truck and can be used for mobile delivery.
Point-of-Sale (POS) processing is optional and POS workstations require SMARTSystem configuration to operate in POS mode.
This POS program will provide for:
- A cash drawer
- Thermal receipt printer
- Bar Code Scanning of product
- Signature Pad that will capture and store the signature electronically
- Credit Card processing for payments
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the POS Menu selection below:
Control Info
Control information should be restricted to only senior management staff. In addition, training for the System Control sub-menu option is required.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the Control Info Menu selection below:
The Help Menu will provide documentation and operational tools to help you manage your PC better.
In your Staff Advanced Security, you make available to each User access to the programs you want. See the HELP Menu selection below:
The HELP Documentation can be accessed directly in the SMARTSystem by selecting the HELP menu or pressing the F1 key on any program screen.
Questions and Answers
If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.
Practice Drills
The purpose of a Practice Drill is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it.
- Login into SMARTSystem
- Go to the STAFF Menu and select Staff Entry
- Select your Staff information and change your password
- Click “Modify” and Exit the program
- Exit the SMARTSystem using the red “X”
How to Add Staff
- In the file menu bar select the word “Staff” from the list.
- In the drop down list under Staff choose “Staff Entry.”
- A pop up window entitled “Staff Table Maintenance” will open to the tab called “Name & Address.”
- Type the information for your new Staff entry.
Staff Code must be entered before you can save your entry and move on to another staff entry. The Staff Code is any 1 through 5 letters, numbers or a combination of letters and numbers that you make up that help you to refer to your new Staff entry.
- Required fields are Address, City, State, Division Assigned, Authorization Level, User Name and Password.
- Create a unique User Name and Password for the new staff entry.
- Click the tab for “Personal Information” and the “Nick Name” and Initials field needs to be entered. It is highly recommended to add the email address of the staff entry.
8. Click the Staff Options tab and set default options for this user.
Check any of the boxes that apply to this user:
*Please note that the Advanced Security Tab will already be populated with checked items for the default Authorization Level that you have chosen for the staff individual. Changes can be made to the authorizations of an individual staff member at any time by the staff administrator.
9. Only if you have multiple locations will you select the next tab:
10. Click the Add button and your new staff entry is added.
* * End of Document **
SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #1C – Main Categories of SMARTSystem Data
The Seven Main Categories of Data in SMARTSystem
There are seven basic types of information that comprises the SMARTSystem database. These are:
- Staff
- Customers
- Vendors
- Inventory
- POs
- Sales
- Shipping
All other items in SMARTSystem will either look up or utilize one or more of the different types of information listed above.
SMARTSystem tracks and associates all the above information with the customers, sales people, inventory, shipping, and POs (sometimes referred to as a LOT) for each transaction, managing the big picture of inflow and outflow of inventory, along with the “who, what, when, where, and how.”
The basic in and out process, and how the database flows, works as follows:
- A staff person, who is an authorized buyer, will create and place a Purchase Order with a vendor. The vendor will ship the inventory and it will be received.
- A sales person will take an order from a customer, and will select from the list of available inventory, the items the customer is requesting.
- The order will be picked and packed, then shipped, from the warehouse. Inventory amounts will be reduced.
SMARTSystem Management Training series
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Menus, Staff Entry and Security
- Customer/Vendor Maintenance
- Inventory Maintenance
- Inventory Maintenance
- Inventory Quantity Hold Options
- Inventory Transfers
- Inventory Weighted Average Costs
- Inventory Internal Transfer Cost Value Calculations
- Sales Processing
- Sales Order Processing
- POS Sales Order Processing
- Sales Line Hold Processing
- Sales Standing Orders Processing
- Purchase Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing
- Purchase Order Processing Continued
- PO Standing Orders
- Box Rate Based Landed Costs Setup
- Inventory Reconciliation
- Inventory Reconciliation
- Physical Inventory using Laptop or Tablet
- Inventory Pricing
- Warehouse Order Management
- Pre-Book Allocations
- End-of-Day Processing
- Inventory Pictures
- System Operations and Support
- Physical Inventory
- Driver Check-in for Bucket Truck Operations
- Go Live Event Checklist
- Quick Books Reference
- Quick Books Employee Name Setup
- Grower Packing and Shipping Configurations
- Appendix 1-System Control Options Define
- Appendix 2-System Control Sales Options Defined
- Glossary
SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #25 – Glossary
- Allocation – Is the assignment of product for Pre-Book Sales Orders to Purchase Orders.
- Auto-Hold – This is a special Growers process usually run by the Sales Manager to reserve products for fulfillment of Pre-book orders. This is reserved by putting the products On-hold through the date selected in the program. Wholesalers use Pre-Book Allocations to obtain this result.
- Available Inventory – On-Hand Inventory less On-Hold Inventory is the Available Inventory for sale.
- .bmp – Short for “Bitmap.” The BMP format stores color data for each pixel in the image without any compression. For example, a 10×10 pixel BMP image will include color data for 100 pixels. This method of storing image information allows for crisp, high-quality graphics, but also produces large file sizes. The JPEG and GIF formats are also bitmaps, but use image compression algorithms that can significantly decrease their file size. For this reason, JPEG and GIF images are used on the Web, while BMP images are often used for printable images.
- Box Rate: box rates represent all of the shipping costs associated with getting the box to you. These costs can include: box charges, freight, customs duties, ground transportation, etc.
- Click-Once Deployment – Microsoft per user deployment technology that allows for automatic updates of software via the internet.
- Columns – A column is a vertical line of characters from the top to the bottom of the screen.
- Cooler Count – Quantity of product in the cooler that is not invoiced and would not include Pre-packs.
- Country/Region – is a field in the Vendor table that represents an area from where products are shipped.
- Current cost: the landed cost of a product.
- Data – The word data is the plural of datum, which comes from Latin meaning “something given.” For our purpose it is the quantities, characters, or symbols that are entered, stored and used in the computer.
- Database – An organized collection of data.
- Data Grid – Is a type of display screen used with Inventory Reconciliation.
- DPC: Discount Price Code
- Drayage – is ground transportation of goods over a short distance. For
example, between the growers location and the carrier terminal. - EOD – End of Day.
- Full Box Equivalent: does not apply to box rates.
- .gif – Pronounced jiff or giff (hard g) stands for graphics interchange format, a bit-mapped graphics file format used by the World Wide Web. GIF supports color and various resolutions. It also includes data compression, but because it is limited to 256 colors, it is more effective for scanned images such as illustrations rather than color photos.
- Go Live Event – Is the coordination of all activities to begin operations using the SMARTSystem.
- Inventory Reconciliation – A process of updating the computer with physical inventory counts.
- Invoiced Orders – Sales Orders invoiced for delivery to the customer.
- .jpg – JPG files, also known as JPEG files, are a common file format for digital photos and other digital graphics. When JPG files are saved, they use “lousy” compression, meaning image quality is lost as file size decreases. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the committee that created the file type.
- LH – Line Hold.
- Line Hold – Is a feature that locks the sales price on a Pre-Book Sales Order as it progresses from a Sales Standing Order, to a Sales Order and Invoiced so that the automatic price update options do not change the sales price.
- Lot – A specific product and quantity received on a purchase order or by inventory receiving.
- LOTS – Are records received into inventory from purchase orders or inventory receiving.
- Margin – Margin represents that same monetary amount after a sale.
- Mark-up – Represents a monetary amount of a product or service before a sale.
- Menu – A list of available options, especially as displayed on a screen.
- Mixed Box– A box containing a several different products.
- Net Avail – Net Avail (Available) is the Cooler Count, less Open Orders.
This is will be the new On-hand Inventory quantity after reconciliation.
- Net Available Inventory – On-Hand Inventory less On-Hold Inventory is the Net Available Inventory for sale.
- Net Items – Is a checkbox on an inventory item that restricts the customers
sales price level from being changed by discounts or salesperson price
override. - On-Hand Inventory – Inventory in the computer that represents what is in the warehouse. On-Hand includes the On-Hold quantity.
- On-Hold – Is an inventory quantity set aside in the computer and removed from the Net Available Inventory for sale by the sales staff.
- Open Order – Products on Sales Orders (not invoiced) that have been removed from the On-Hand Inventory Balance.
- Per Item – Usually stated as price per unit: This is a generic term that is
used by all levels of purchasing, manufacturing and sales in business. The
Sales department will most commonly use price per unit (or unit price) but
not exclusively. It just means what the price is per individual item be it a
stem or bunch. - Pixels – Short for Picture Element, a pixel is a single point in a graphic image. Graphics monitors display pictures by dividing the display screen into thousands (or millions) of pixels, arranged in rows and columns. The pixels are so close together that they appear connected.
- POS – Is point-of-sale.
- POS Sales Order – Is a customer sales order that takes products out of current inventory at a point-of-sale workstation and provides for payment processing.
- Pre-Book Allocation – Is the assigning of inventory received or incoming to pre-book sales orders. This action commits the product coming in to the specified sales order.
- Pre-book Order – A Pre-book represents product scheduled for future delivery and these products have not been removed from the On-Hand inventory in the computer.
- Pre-Book Sales Order – Is a future customer order that will not be delivered immediately and inventory is not reduced. Items selected for the Pre-Book will provide the Buyer with products he needs to buy.
- Pre-packs – Products in the cooler that have been packed and staged for Delivery/Shipment. These need to be counted if using the “Subtract Open Orders from Quantity” option in Inventory Reconciliation.
- Product Type – Is similar to Product Category but used to establish margins for each Customer Sales Level and when printing the Pick Ticket. The Pick Ticket will list products sold separated by product type.
- PSO – Master PO Standing Order.
- PSOC – Is a “child” or “copy” of a master standing order.
- QB – QuickBooks.
- QB Import Tool – is a desktop program that will process SMARTSystem EOD transaction activity and update (import to) QuickBooks. This program will also export QB Customer Balances for import to SMARTSystem Customers.
- Quantity – Cooler count quantity used on the Inventory Reconciliation Screen which is uploaded from an Excel spreadsheet or scanning device or entered by hand.
- Record Selector – Is used on some screen displays to highlight a specific record. It is the left most column and when clicked it highlights that record and shows an arrow symbol (>).
- Regular Sales Order – Is a customer sales order that takes products out of current inventory for delivery within the immediate future.
- Replication – Is a Microsoft term that means synchronizing databases. For example, synchronizing the sales and invoicing on the truck laptops with the main Server. This process is done automatically when the laptop is within wireless range of the Server and takes less than 10 minutes to automatically establish the connection and synchronize the data.
- Rows – A row is a horizontal line containing a series of fields placed next to each other.
- Sales Orders – A Sales Order contains product scheduled for delivery to the customer. All products on a sales order have been removed from the On-hand inventory in the computer and ready for delivery/shipping.
- Sales Password – The defined Sales Manager’s Password in System Control. The default is “salesmanager”.
- Sales Price Leve x Factor: is established in the Product Type table to store your percent of Mark-Up or Margin for the specified customer sales price level.
- Ship Via – Transportation code/description: your routes, carriers, etc. In-bound and Out-bound transportation.
- SKU – Is an abbreviation for stock keeping unit that identifies a specific stock item in inventory. In the SMARTSystem, SKU can be your Product Code, the UPC or GTIN numbers.
- SMARTData Services – Manages information for:
- wireless database interaction with the 3190 scanner and
- used to capture pictures for use with the SMARTSystem and SMARTSite (website).
- SMARTScan – Is a specially written series of programs that run on the Motorola MC-3190 hand-held barcode scanner below. These programs directly integrate with the SMARTSystem and can operate in a wireless environment.
- SMARTData Services – Manages information for:
- Spreadsheet – Is a table of values arranged in rows and columns, like an Excel spreadsheet.
- SQL (Structured Query Language) – Is a program responsible for managing the SMARTSystem information in the database.
- SSO – Sales Standing Order.
- Sub-menu – A list of options available under a main Menu.
- Supervisor Password – Your defined Supervisor Password in System Control.
- System Control – A specific table that stores information used to configure and save your Company information in the SMARTSystem.
- Table – Refers to data (pieces of information) arranged in rows and columns, as in a spreadsheet. In the SMARTSystem all information is stored in the form of tables.
- Unit of Measure – a standard unit to describe a box size or units such as an each, a bunch or a stem.
- View (1) – A term used in the SMARTSystem to be able to see specific information.
- View (2) – The term VIEW is use for programs that present information simply with options to filter that information for specific tasks. For example, a Sales View will show sales orders for a specific time period.
- WAC – Value is stored in the inventory table in the Average Landed Cost field.
- WAC 1 – Will re-compute a new WAC value based on all open lots.
- WAC 2 – Utilizes the Average Landed Cost field from the Inventory Table to compute a new value based on receiving.
- Warehouse Order Management (WOM) – Is a tool to keep the warehouse operations update-to-date with sales activity for delivery to customers.
SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #23 – Appendix1- Systems/Control Options Defined
General Options:
- Enable Terminal Server Mode
Check this box to increase performance by not sending your “splash” screen graphic containing a logo. Terminal Server mode is used for remote access to your server.
- Lock Sales Orders, Invoices and PO’s after Export
This is used in conjunction with “Lock Sales Orders when Invoice” on the Sales Options, Invoice tab. Sales Orders, Invoices and PO’s can be updated or revised after data is exported to your accounting system, unless this feature is enabled. Check the box to enable and LOCK these documents after exporting to accounting. A supervisor can unlock these using a password.
- Lock Sales Orders when Invoiced is now located on the Sales Options, Invoice tab
Prevent changes to a Sales Order after it’s invoiced if this feature is off. The Invoice will be updated unless this feature is enabled. Check the box to LOCK the Sales Order after it is invoiced.
- Disable Sales Tax Override
This feature prevents a salesperson from turning on/off the checkbox for sales tax in the sales order. The customer record contains the default sales tax status and this option prevents a salesperson from making the decision.
- Print Header on Delivery Labels
When the checkbox is enabled you print your Company information from System Control on the top of your delivery labels. Otherwise, you can use labels with pre-printed Company information. Here is a sample of a plain label with the Header printed using Company information:
Wholesaler format:
Grower format:
- Use Logo Delivery Labels
When the checkbox is enabled you can print your logo on the delivery label in the upper left corner. Store your .jpg file in C:\WFSDATA\LOGOS see example below for logo size:
Dimension: 300 x 300 pixels for the “LabelLogo.jpg” name
Dimension: 480 x 480 pixels for the “StateCerticifcate.jpg” name
- Rotate Delivery Labels 90 Degrees
Labels printed on a label printer feed differently depending on the label size. This box is normally not checked for the standard 4” x 3” label. When a 6” x 4” label is used you must rotate the print text.
- Hide Route and Date on Delivery Label
This checkbox provides the option to print a standard shipping label without the Route Order#, # pieces, and Delivery Date.
- Use 4×3 Delivery Label
This checkbox will set the default printer settings for the standard 4×3 labels.
- Warehouse Creates Box Charges
If you charge a box charge, your warehouse can assign the Box Charge based on the number of boxes used for packing. The screen below is at the bottom of the Warehouse Order Management Screen, see the Box Charge column below:
- Manually Update Sales Prices
Sales Prices can be calculated automatically in the Purchase Order based on the Margins you have set for each Product Type. To set the prices yourself and manually override the SMARTSystem margin calculations check this box. Log off and log onto the SMARTSystem. Under the Management Menu you will see a sub-menu item “Sales Price Maintenance.”
- Require Password to Print Lists
When this option is enabled, the following request for the Supervisor password is required to print any list with Customer information. The purpose of this password is to prevent an unauthorized person from taking your customer list.
- Mask Description On Manifest
Check this box to show “Fresh Cut Flowers” instead of the actual product description on the Carrier Manifest.
- Enable Importer Mode
This checkbox should only be used if you are an Importer. SMARTSystem features change as Importers typically deal in full boxes only.
- Subtract Open Orders on Invoice Recon. Detail
This checkbox will set the default value for the Inventory Reconciliation program which shows an additional column for Open Orders, not yet invoiced.
- Hide Totals on Sales Views
The customer financial status is displayed if this box is left unchecked. Check the box to hide this information on the bottom of the Customer Tab in the Sales Order Entry program.
- Use Current Landed cost on Inventory Valuation Report
Enable this checkbox to automatically set default option to “Use Current Landed Cost From Inventory.”
- Use Sales Rep Email as From Address
Emailing an Invoice, Confirmation, Quote or Price List the “From” address will be the Sales Reps email address, not the companies email address.
- Allow Mixed Box Inventory Items
This checkbox will allow the “Mixed Box / Bouquet” option to show on the inventory screen. Checking the box on this screen will display the tab “Associated Products” to enter products that make up this item.
- Use Total Units on Credits
This Checkbox would normally be checked to allow the partial return of items sold.
- Export Landed Costs to Quick Books
Normally this checkbox is off so that purchase orders are exported to Quick Books with the unit price paid to the vendor which allows you to receive and convert this PO to a bill. With this box checked, the landed cost is exported to Quick Books and the PO is received, but the vendor bill needs to be entered into Quick Books for payment.
- Use WAC(Weighted Average Cost)
This method calculates WAC by evaluating the open lots in the system by inventory item or product code. With this checkbox enabled the System will maintain Moving Weighted Average Cost (MWAC). Refer to Management Training Session #4D for additional information.
- Use WAC Calculation method 2
WAC 2 is weighted average cost calculated only when the On-hand quantity is increased, but not when it is decreased. This is based on the valuation of each inventory item. Refer to Management Training Session #4D for additional information
- Include Open Orders in WAC Calculation
When the checkbox’s above are enabled, this option takes into consideration not only the open inventory but also sales orders that have not been invoiced.
- Use Canadian Mode
This checkbox will set the SMARTSystem to function under Canadian guidelines and provide Currency Conversion.
Purchasing Options
- Hold Received PO’s Automatically
This checkbox will set the purchase order receiving process to automatically hold all products received and not put quantities into Open Market Inventory.
- Print Internal Comments on PO and Worksheet
The “I/Comment: [SAMPLES]” is printed when box is checked under each product line as shown below:
- Use Farm Code For PO Product Code Matching
This checkbox is use to pull in the most recent Units of Measure, Pack and Cost based on the Farm and Product Code from the last purchase order. When unchecked only the last Product Code is used for Costs which means that it is the last purchase from any vendor.
- Update Arrival Date with Actual Date Received
The estimated Arrival Date for the purchase order is overridden by the actual date received.
- Display Product Code on Purchase Order Worksheet
Check this box to print your product code for this inventory item on the PO Worksheet, for example ALSTSACHREP
- Display Box Number on Printed PO
Check this box to show the SMARTSystem box number assigned to this line item. This is used in conjunction with the Farm Portal.
- Calculate PO Vendor and Import Charges by Box
(Requires Full Box Equivalent in Unit of Measure Table)
Landed costs in the purchase order are normally calculated by the number of stems/bunches. In some cases, because some boxes are heavier than others the landed costs are applied by box. For this calculation to work, you must include the “full box equivalents” in the defined box size found in the Units of Measure table.
- Show SOC on PO Worksheet
(Extends Product Description when disabled)
Check this box to implement SOC (Special Order Code) on the purchase order worksheet.
The SOC can be included with each purchase order line item in the Internal Comments field. Enter from 1 to 6 characters, the pipe symbol (|) and any comment. The characters before the pipe symbol are the SOC.
- Specify Product Color on Purchase Order and Sales Summary
Check this box to replace the Internal Comments field on the purchase order line item with Color/Variety. This option changes features in the SMARTSystem and is only used when detailed inventory is not defined in the inventory table.
- Show PO Ship Date on PO View instead of PO Order Date
Check this box to show the purchase order Ship Date instead of the Order Date, see example below:
- Use Ship Date for Standing POs
Check this box to use the Ship Date day of week, instead of the Order Date day of the week for standing purchase orders.
- Focus on Description after adding PO Mixed Box Item
Check this box for the cursor to always position under Product Description, instead of Product Code on the Mixed Box screen below:
- Options include:
- Wholesale Receiving Label
- Wet-Dry Label
- Importer Receiving Label
- Importer Receiving Label Code 2
System Defaults
This System Default for Category (above) applies to Sales Order Entry. On any of the Sales Order Entry inventory screens the “Category” will use this default to display product in that category:
SMARTSite Options
This is used for our e-Commerce site and the System will send an email to one or more addresses in this box when a web order is received from a customer. This address is used in addition to the sales reps email for the customer. Our SMARTSite, e-Commerce site will always send an email to the customer sales rep and the sales manager can be notified using this address box.
SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #19 – Deleting Credit Memos
Purpose: To Delete a Credit Memo from an Invoice.
Keywords: Credit Memo, Staff Entry, Staff Code.
To delete a credit memo once you have permissions:
Go to the Credit Memo and open it. On the right hand side, you will have the option button “Delete Credit Memo”
Click the button and you will get this pop up:
Your deletion will be confirmed with this pop up:
Clicking OK will immediately bring you back to the Credit Memo’s and Your Credit memo will be gone from the list.
If you do not have a button to Delete a Credit Memo:
Please check with a supervisor to see if you have permissions to delete credit memo’s. To enable a staff member to be allowed to delete a credit memo. You have to go into the Staff Entry in SMARTSystem Choose from the Staff Code your employee from the drop down list.
When permissions are added and you pick the Modify button. Exit.
The user should now be able to delete a credit memo.
SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #18 – SMARTSystem Grower Packing and Shipping Configurations
The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step detail of how to configure the Packing and Shipping for Growers and show how sales staff can identify how product sold will be packed using specified box types.
Overview:SMARTSystem Management Training Series
There are two basic approaches for a grower to define how products are packed and shipped in the SMARTSystem:
- the sales staff tell the warehouse how they want the boxes packed, or
- the warehouse determines the best approach.
Examples in the Sales Sequence Section below represent how the sales staff can determine how boxes are packed and automatically generate the proper box charges.
System Control Configuration:
- The Packing and Shipping for Growers uses the Advanced Shipping Features:
a. System Control, System Shipping Information tab
b. Check “Enable Advanced Shipping
2. If you want to print the Bills of Lading from the Warehouse Order Management Screen:
a. Select System Control > Sales Options > Sales Options > Hide / Show Options
b. Check “Show Bills of Lading in Warehouse Order Management
3. Set Pick Ticket Type 2 and Grower Customer Invoice when using Advanced Shipping features.
See examples below
Pick Ticket Type 2:
Grower Customer Invoice:
Grower Shipping Labels (Type G2):
Configuration for Inventory:
4. Create inventory items for Packing Materials to create charges and enter a quantity.
5. Using the Unit of Measure maintenance program under the Inventory Menu, create the cross reference for box/packing charges based on the Unit of Measure:
a. When completed the Units of Measure View should look like this to identify the packing material inventory items in the “Associated Product Code”.
b. The box/packing charges are for Non-FOB customers only.
Configuration for Ship Via:
6. Set the specific Ship Via records for Grower Style 2 (G2) label format to print the following label format:
Grower Shipping Labels (Type G2):
Configuration for Customer Types:
- Set the FOB checkbox in the Customer Type table to indicate “FOB” customers no matter what Customer Type Name you assign:
Note: Box/Packing materials can be manually selected or automatically generated as a line item on the Sales Summary screen for charges
Sales Sequence:
- Sales Order Entry sequence:
a. Products sold are shown on the Summary tab:
b. The Shipping tab will list the Products sold to define packing.
c. On the Shipping tab right click to display “Add New Box” or “Add to an Existing Box”:
d. Click “Add New Box” and the following pop-up entry is displayed:
e. Enter the Number of Boxes
i. Box Number will automatically be assigned in sequence when adding a new box or you can enter a box number
ii. The Quantity to Add will be the number of units
iii. Number of Boxes entered will automatically create Box/Packing Charges on the Summary screen, except FOB Customers.
iv. The SKU can be entered and show on the top portion of the screen in the SKU column
v. Select from the drop down the box size
vi. Enter Comment for the label
f. Right click on the second product and the following screen will be displayed:
i. It will show the last box number added
ii. The quantity is automatically entered
iii. Enter the SKU if it applies
iv. Enter a comment if not previously entered for this box
- The results look like this
- Two box charge entries are automatically made on the Summary Screen:
Pick Ticket Type 2:
Grower Shipping Label (G2):
Grower Customer Invoice: