
Management Training Documents

MTS #06A – Purchase Order Processing

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #6A – SMARTSystem Purchase Order Processing

Purpose:  To gain a good, strong working knowledge of Purchase Order Processing.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Allocation- is the assignment of product for Pre-Book Sales Orders to Purchase Orders.
  • View– The term VIEW is use for programs that present information simply with options to filter that information for specific tasks.  For example, a Sales View will show sales orders for a specific time period.


The Purchase Order Menu is used for PO Entry, Receiving and related tasks.

Purchase Orders can be initiated from several different sub-menus providing different views, including:

  • View Purchase Orders
  • PO Entry and Receiving
  • View Incoming Availability
  • Purchase Order Document Processing

A Purchase Order progresses through three (3) phases or status conditions:

  • In Process (IP) occurs when you create a PO, enter/change line items on the PO until it is ready to order product from the vendor.
  • On-Order (OR) this phase occurs when the PO is placed On-Order, products On-Order can be viewed on the Incoming Availability screen and sales can be made against the incoming product.
  • Received (RC) phase occurs when the PO is updated with actual quantities received and the product received is placed into inventory for sale. Product not yet received can be placed on Back Order.

Purchase Order View

The Purchase Order View is a power tool for managing buyer information and the status of orders from Vendors.  Select the Purchase Order View by using the following Menus:


This View is normally displayed by PO# in descending sequence (the most recent PO at the top of the screen).

PO information on this View can be filtered by:

  • Arrival Start Date
  • Arrival End Date
  • Max Order #
  • Vendor Name
  • Status
  • Today’s Orders checkbox

The default setting for Arrival Start  Date is 45 days prior to today’s date and the Arrival End Date is 10 days in the future.

The PO View column summary is:

  • PO# – Purchase Order number assigned by the SMARTSystem.
  • Sfx (Suffix) identifies a regular purchase order when zero suffix or a back order for any number greater than zero.The PO# remains the same for both regular and back order PO’s.
  • SO – means Standing Order.There are two codes used in this column:
    • M = Master Standing Order
    • C = Child Standing Order

      Blank means this PO is not a Standing Order PO.

    • Ship Date – the date set by the Buyer for Shipment of product on this PO from the Vendor or Farm.
    • Status – options are: ALL status, Not Cancelled (all active orders) , In Process, Ordered, Received.
    • Buyer – Name of the person creating this PO.
    • Vendor Name – Name of the Vendor.
    • Ship Via – Transportation Carrier
    • Arrival Date – Estimate Arrival Date set by the Buyer.
    • PU/DEL – Pick-up or Delivery.
    • # of Items – Number of line items in the purchase order.
    • Qty Ordered – Quantity of all line items on the purchase order.
    • Total – Total Landed Cost
    • Email Sent – Date and Time a purchase order email was sent to the vendor.

The following setting in Control Info > System Control > Options > Purchasing Options is set to show the PO Ship Date or the PO Order Date on this View:

Each column can be sort in ascending or descending sequence by clicking the lower right corner of the column heading.

You can turn off the Total of PO’s except for selected management staff by selecting the following Menus:

  Control Info > System Control > Options

At the bottom of the Purchase Order View you can PRINT LIST of all items selected items showing on the PO View. Clicking on NEW PO will display a new PO Entry screen or REFRESH the screen with orders being added by other buyers.

On the Purchase Order View, you can double click on a PO or right click to open the PO.

PO Entry and Receiving

You can select an existing Purchase Order from the PO View by double clicking the Order that you want view and the following screen will be displayed for that vendor.  A NEW Purchase Order can be created from the NEW button on the PO View or the following Purchase Order sub-menus: 

  • PO Entry and Receiving
  • Purchase Order Document Processing

The first screen display for a Purchase Order is Vendor Information:

There are 6 tabs on a Purchase Order.  These tabs are normally in the following sequence:

  • Vendor Information
  • Product Information
  • Quick Entry
  • Special Order
  • Standing Order Information
  • Allocation

The initial entry of a PO gives it an IP (In Process) Status. The Status is shown above the tabs on the top right side of the screen.


Drop Ship orders can be generated by changing the ShipTo Address or establish ShipTo Addresses that can be selected with the Select ShipTo drop down.


The Ship Date always defaults to todays date and can be changed.

Using the Order Arrival Days from the Vendor record, as shown below, the estimated Arrival Date of the PO is calculated (Ship Date + Order Arrival Days). You can change the Arrival Date as needed.

The following setting in Control Info > System Control > Options > Purchasing Options will change the Arrival Date to the date the PO is received:

The Pickup / Delivery buttons above, between the Ship Date and Arrival Date default to Delivery.  If this PO is a local Pickup, just click the Pickup button and enter the Pickup time.

The Vendor Type in the Vendor record defines the default Purchase Type in the PO:

PO default Purchase Type:

Using the default Purchase Type in the PO a link is created to capture the PO Type information and the G/L account for Current Other Vendor Charges:

The Current Other Vendor Charges are entered and allocated to each line item entered based on the setting in System Control.

On the bottom of the Vendor Information tab the following information can be entered:

  • Purchase Cost % for Landed Cost can be stored in the Vendor record and default to this field.The Purchase Cost % is often used for Hard Goods delivery charges, like 18% of product cost for the trucking fee.

    The Vendor record, Purchase Info tab at the bottom is the place to set the default Purchase Cost % of Landed Cost for this Vendor:

  • Checkbox to Add Percent to Surcharge is used for US Customs or other surcharges. The additional surcharge on flowers from Ecuador is 6% and by checking this box the calculated amount is captured as a Surcharge for each line item entered.
  • Vendor Invoice # is optional and can entered in this field.
  • Current Other Vendor Charges are used for box charges and other Vendor Charges on the vendor invoice. These charges are used to verify the vendors invoice (Vendor Chgs:) entered into the PO, to calculate a landed cost and be transferred to the Accounting System for a complete PO.
  • Total Other Import Charges represent freight or clearing charges that are billed to you separately and not part of the Vendors invoice. These charges do not go to the Accounting System as part of the purchase order since they are billed separately. But, these charges are important to calculate the landed cost of the products.
  • Pickup/Delivery Instructions in the Vendor record on the Purchase Info tab can be set as default.

PO instructions will show on the PO Vendor Information screen and can be changed. 

The following setting in Control Info > System Control > Options > Purchasing Options will allocate Charges by stems or boxes as defined by this checkbox:

At the bottom of the screen is a running total from left to right:

  • # Ordered
  • # Received
  • Vendor Charges (should always equal the vendors invoice)
  • Total Product cost
  • Total Other Charges
  • Total Landed Costs

Product Information Screen

The next tab is the Product Information Screen which provides additional features, such as, entering Mixed Boxes.  This screen will be address later after the simpler Quick Entry screen is reviewed.

Quick Entry Screen

The Quick Entry is used to simplify the entry of a purchase order.  The entry fields for this PO screen are:

  • Qnty is the number of boxes, cases, bundles, etc. being ordered.
  • Pack specifies the number of units per quantity (Qnty). For example, 1 box of 125 stems.
  • UofM is the unit of measure for the Qnty.
  • Product Code can be entered or is optional if the product name is selected in the Description.
  • Description of the product you want is selected by typing in part of the name and pressing enter or selecting the drop down menu to display products similar to the name entered.
  • Item Cost is automatically displayed from the last purchase price of the product selected.
  • Other Item Charges field is used if an additional cost is associated with the line item being entered.
  • Landed Cost is calculated using the:
    • Item Cost
    • Allocated portion of the Current Other Vendor Charges
    • Allocated portion of the Total Other Import Charges
    • Allocated portion of the Purchase Cost %
    • Freight charges calculated based on the Ship Via

  • Sales Price is calculated based on the Margin/Markup for this Product Type.
  • Internal Comment is used by the buyer to provide information for salesperson using the Sales Selective Ordering screen.
  • Landed Margin shows based on Sales Price

    Price Level 1 at the top of the screen shows the Price Level 1 sales price.

    You can delete a line by right clicking and selecting delete.

    To change a field, click the cell and enter the new value.  Tab to the next cell to record the change.

Add Unallocated Items

Unallocated Items are Pre-Book sales products needed for purchased to fulfill the sales order.

Special Order Information


This tab is used to enter additional information regarding this purchase order.

Allocation Tab


The Allocation tab will show a number after the word when product is on the purchase order and there are Pre-Book items that could be added from the Unallocated Items list.

Print PO

This is the PO document that can be emailed to the vendor.  There are various options associated with content of this document. Only Total Product Cost is shown on the emailed PO document.

Print W/S (Receiving Worksheet)

Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem
  3. Click NEW PO at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Create a purchase order.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306for assistance.

MTS #05G – Sales Order Alternate Sales Rep

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #5G – SMARTSystem Sales Order Alternate Sales Rep

Purpose:  To capture the Alternate Sales Rep on a Sales Order when not the primary sales rep.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Primary Sales Rep is Salesperson 1 under Customer Table Maintenance.  The Secondary Sales Rep is Salesperson 2 which is not the Alternate Sales Rep:

SMARTSystem Option: 

  • The Primary Sales Rep (Salesperson 1) is normally the default “Rep” for a sales order, unless the SMARTSystem option to set the “Rep” as the User logged on. When this checkbox is set the Alternate Sales Rep option is bypassed.

The Sales Rep names use the “Nick Name” from the Staff Table:


When the “Use Logged in Sales Person on Sales Orders” switch is off in System Control this Alternate Sales Rep feature is operational. 

The Alternate Sales Rep is shown in the “Entered by” field on the Sales Order:

When the logged in SMARTSystem User matches the Rep (Primary Sales Rep from the customer), then the Alternate Sales Rep is not required in the Entered by field of the sales order.

Only when a new sales order is created the logged in User gets checked.  If the User is not the Rep (Primary Sales Rep) then an Alternate Sales Rep is required.  The Alternate Sales Rep is not automatically entered from the User log in. It needs to be selected manually by the User from the drop down menu of staff names. 

If the Alternate Sales Rep is blank or the User logged in does not match the Rep, then the following error message is displayed when adding product to the order:

When this error is displayed, the selected product is not added to the order.

This feature applies to both a regular sales order and a pre-book order.

The flexibility has been provide for management using some else’s workstation to enter their name as Entered by.

Standard Pick Ticket will show the “Rep / Alternate Rep” names.

Note:  when sales standing orders are created the Alternate Rep will not be prompted.


Select the Alternate Sales Rep Report from the Reports > Management Reports > Alternate Sales Rep Report menu:

The Alternate Sales Rep report will only report sales orders that have an Alternate Sales Rep entered:


MTS #05F – Sales Order Discounts

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #5F – SMARTSystem Sales Order Discounts

Purpose:  To provide an overview of discount options.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • Regular Sales Order – is a customer sales order that takes products out of current inventory for delivery within the immediate future.
  • Pre-Book Sales Order – is a future customer order that will not be delivered immediately and inventory is not reduced.  Items selected for the Pre-Book will provide the Buyer with products he needs to buy.
  • Market Day
  • Discount %
  • Contract Pricing
  • Volume Discounts
  • Discount Price Code


There are several levels of discounts for customers and these are:

  • Defaults established in Customer Maintenance, Sales Info tab:
    • Market Day and Discount % can operate independently or jointly depend upon your requirements:

  • Contract Pricing: When this option is checked the Contract Pricing screen is displayed as shown below:

  • Discounts do not apply when the Inventory item has the Net Item checked:

Discount Rules Summary:

  • Sales Order, Customer Information Tab

The Recalculate Order Button applies discounts as follows:

If “Apply to Current Pricing” is checked then the discount % in the “discount %” box is used and overrides everything. This option even overrides line hold and applies the discount regardless of if the line is held or not. If the “Apply to Current Pricing” flag is NOT checked then line hold will prevent all discounts from being applied. 

If the product is flagged as a Net item in inventory, then it is omitted from any otherwise legitimate market day calculations.

If the product is not a Net Product, Line Held, and the Apply to Current Pricing box is not checked then Market Day discounts are evaluated and applied.

  • Market day or Volume Discount
    • The greater of the 2 discounts is used from market day or volume discount if both apply:
      • Market Day discount comes from directly from the Customer Info tab of the sales order.
        • This value is populated by the discount percent entered for the customer in the customer record

Volume discounts are evaluated from the volume discounts table

Discount Price Code

The Discount Price Code has specific rules attached to it and a general flow chart of the decision process is shown below:

The following screen is used for Discount Price Code Maintenance:

DPC screen fields summary:

  • DPC (Discount Price Code) is 1 to 4 characters
  • Discount Type is:
    • SKU for a specific inventory item or
    • Group for a group discount by Product Category and/or Sub-category
  • Calculation Type:
    • Fixed price for specific items
    • Percentage of SPL1 (Sales Price Level 1-note this value can be + or – %)

  • Discount % is entered when the Calculation Type is set for Percentage of SPL1:

  • Customer SKU will print if entered on the DPC entry.
  • Customer UPC will print if entered on the DPC entry
  • Discount Price Code (DPC) processing rules are:
  • The DPC table prevents un-authorized DPC’s from being entered into the customer table and clearly defines how they are used:
  • When the DPC on a customer overrides all other discount methodologies. An inactive DPC will not affect discount processing.
  • Discount prices will not be calculated on the sales order until a quantity is value is entered.
  • Customer SKU and Customer UPC are apply to big customers like Walmart that require their SKU and UPC on certain documents
  • Places where Discounts are Calculated:
    • Quick Entry
    • Selective Ordering
    • Invoice
    • Incoming Availability
    • Box Ordering
    • Summary Tab
    • Edit Item dialog
  • System Control > Sales Options > General

MTS #05E – Sales Order Processing for Staff

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #5E – SMARTSystem Sales Order Processing for Staff

Purpose:  To understand how to use Sales Order Processing effectively.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • View – the term VIEW is use for programs that present information simply with options to filter that information for specific tasks.  For example, a Sales View will show sales orders for a specific time period.
  • Regular Sales Order – is a customer sales order that takes products out of current inventory for delivery within the immediate future.
  • Pre-Book Sales Order – is a future customer order that will not be delivered immediately and inventory is not reduced.  Items selected for the Pre-Book will provide the Buyer with products he needs to buy.

    Training Areas for this Session:


The Sales Menu is used for Sales Order, Pick Ticket and Invoice Processing. Sales Orders can be initiated from several different sub-menus providing different views, including:

  • View Sales Orders
  • Create Orders by Customer
  • Sales person Customer Call List
  • Sales Order Entry

    There are 2 types of Sales Orders:

  • a regular Sales Order that reduces your On-Hand Inventory and
  • a Pre-Book Sales Order (future order) does not affect Inventory.

Sales View

The Sales View is a power tool for managing sales information and status of orders.  Select the Sales View by using the following Menus:

                   SALES > VIEW SALES ORDERS

This View is normally displayed by Order# in descending sequence with default setting: Delivery Start / End Dates, Status is NOT CANCELLED, ALL Sales Reps.

Sales information on this View can be filtered by:

  • Delivery Start Date
  • Delivery End Date
  • Customer Name
  • Sales Rep
  • Max Order #
  • Type
  • Status
  • Today’s Orders checkbox

Each column can be sort in ascending or descending sequence by clicking the lower right corner of the column heading.

Notice that the column Cmnts is the Warehouse Comments and hovering with the mouse will display the entire text.

At the bottom of the Sales View you can PRINT all items selected and showing on the Sales View. Clicking on NEW will display Customer Information to begin a Sales Order or REFRESH the screen with orders being added by other sales staff.

Sales Order Entry-Regular Order

You can select an existing Sales Order from the Sales View by double clicking the Order that you want view and the following screen will be displayed for that customer.  A NEW Sales Order can be created from the NEW button on the Sales View or the following Sales sub-menus: 

  • Create Orders by Customer
  • Sales person Customer Call List
  • Sales Order Entry

The first screen display for a Sales Order is Customer Information:

You can have up to 9 tabs on a Sales Order depending on your settings in System Control.  These tabs are normally in the following sequence:

  • Customer Information
  • Quick Entry
  • Selective Ordering
  • Box Ordering
  • Summary
  • Shipping
  • Standing Order Info
  • Bill of Lading
  • Contract Pricing

On all inventory screens, the sales price displayed is based on the Customers Sales Price Level.

Next is the Quick Entry inventory screen.   This screen will display one line time for each inventory item with On-Hand inventory.

The Selective Ordering screen below will show each lot received into the System with On-Hand inventory.  With this screen, you can select product by Farm.

On either the Quick Entry or Selective Ordering screens, if Contracting Pricing exists the Contract Pricing will override the standard price. See screen below:

The Summary Tab will show products selected for this Order.

You can edit a line by clicking on it to show the following edit screen:

You can also, right click a line to delete the line item.

The Shipping Tab is used to give a salesperson the option to establish the packing or the combining of items in a box. The top of the screen is each line on the sales order with a Box Id Number. By changing this Box Id to the same number that already exists on another line you can combine items in a box by clicking on Create Boxes.  The result shows on the lower screen.

To create a Standing Order, click the Standing Order Info tab.  Set the Start Date, End Date and one or more days of the week for this standing order.  Then click Update Standing Order.

When a Bill of Lading is needed, click the Bill of Lading tab and enter the additional information needed.

You can set the Bill of Lading form in the Doc Selection tag in System Control:

Any Contract Pricing set for the Customer will automatically create a tab on the Sales Order for quick and easy reference.

See the sample Pick Ticket for a Sales Order below:

Pre-Book Order Sales Order Entry

A Pre-Book Sales Order will not reduce inventory and is designed for you to place orders when inventory does not exist for a future delivery date.

The number of days between today’s date and the Delivery date for the Sales Entry program can automatically set the program to Pre-Book mode when an order is entered.

A Pre-Book Sales Order is highlighted with “Pre-Book” at the top of the screen and the checkbox:

You can have up to 8 tabs on a Pre-book Sales Order depending on your settings in System Control.  These tabs normally in the following sequence:

  • Customer Information
  • Inventory
  • Incoming Availability
  • Summary
  • Shipping
  • Standing Order Info
  • Bill of Lading
  • Contract Pricing

All items in your Inventory Table, with or without an On-Hand quantity are available for display on the Inventory Tab and can be selected for the Pre-Book Sales Order.

On both the Inventory and Incoming Availability screens, the sales price displayed is based on the Customers Sales Price Level.


The Incoming Availability screen below will show products On-Order and expected to arrive by the Delivery Date of this Customer Sales Order.

On either the Inventory or Incoming Availability Tab, if Contracting Pricing exists the tab will be displayed and will override the standard price.



The Summary Tab will show products selected for this Order and color coded to show the inventory status of each item.

The color coding on the Pre-book Sales Summary screen will provide the sales staff with an immediate inventory status of items on a Pre-book order as described below:

  • Black background and White letters indicates Product has been allocated to a Purchase Order, it has not been received and there is not enough On-Hand to fulfill this item.
  • Black background and Orange letters indicates Product is NOT allocated to a Purchase Order and there is not enough On-Hand to fulfill this item.
  • Gray background and Red letters indicates There is sufficient product in inventory to fulfill this item from current inventory.  This product can be converted to a Sales Order or Invoiced.
  • Green background and White letters indicates Product has been allocated to a Purchase Order that has been received. This product can be converted to a Sales Order or Invoiced.
  • Red background and White letters indicates Product that is allocated to a received PO but there is not enough product available to fulfill the line item.

On the Summary Screen, you can edit a line by clicking on it to show the following edit screen:

You can also, right click a line to delete the line item.

To create a Standing Order for this Pre-Book, click the Standing Order Info tab.  Set the Start Date, End Date and one or more days of the week for this standing order.  Then click Update Standing Order.

See the sample Pre-Book Pick Ticket for a Sales Order below:

Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem.
  2. Go to the SALES MENU and select VIEW SALES ORDERS.
  3. Click NEW at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Enter the Customer Name and create a Sales Order.
  5. Do this same task and create a Pre-Book Sales Order.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306for assistance.

MTS #05D – Sales Standing Order Processing and Copy Function

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #5D – SMARTSystem Sales Standing Order Processing

Purpose:  To provide a good, strong working knowledge of Sales Standing Order Processing.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • SSO- Sales Standing Order

Training Areas for this Session:


The foundation of a Sales Standing Order (SSO) is a real, live sales order that is used as a template for the Standing Order.  The SSO can be created from a pre-book, regular sales order or an invoiced sales order.

Establish a Sales Standing Order

To create a SSO do the following:

  • Select the Standing Order Info tab
  • Set the Start Date of the SSO. The start date would normally be next week or after the current order’s delivery date
  • Set the End Date of the SSO. This can be one week, one month, one year, etc.
  • Click the Day or Days of the Week that this SSO is delivered. At least one day or multiple days can be set.

When the SSO parameters have been set, click Update Standing Order and the message “Recurring data has been saved” to indicate the SSO has been saved.

Remember that this order is now a Master Standing Order and shown on the Sales View with an “M” under the SO or Standing Order column.  This order is the source of data for future SSO’s when created.

When this Sales Order is displayed in after being set as a master SSO it will show “S/O Master” to the right of the Customer Information description.

Also, in the lower right of this Customer Information screen will show:

The purpose of locking this sales order is to prevent someone from accidently changing it because it is a template for future orders. There are two ways of changing this order:

  • Click on the word LOCKED and you will be prompted for the Sales Managers password. The default password is “SALESMANAGER”. This will unlock the sales order and allow changes to it. Note: these changes will also be reflected in the future SSO.

  • The second way is to go to the Standing Order Info tab and click Stop Standing Order which turns off the SSO status and allows changes to this sales order.

Standing Order Processing

Under the SALES Menu, select the sub-menu item View Standing Orders. The following screen will be displayed:

There are several options for this display of SSO’s:

  • Select date to View: This date is used to select SSO’s between the recurring Start Date and End date of each standing order.  This ensures that the date selected is a valid date for creating the standing order and that the recurrence will not have expired.

  • Show orders to be processed on the following day: in conjunction with the “Select date to View” you can select “All” SSO’s or the specific day it is scheduled for processing as defined in the sales order.  For example, Monday is the day defined for this SSO to be processed and it is listed below.

Next, set the Delivery Date you want to apply and appear on the orders you process:

It is recommended that you check the box “Create Orders as Pre-Book Orders”.  When the “Child” standing order is created, it will not affect your current inventory.  If this check box is NOT checked, creating the SSO’s will reduce inventory.

One advantage of creating SSO’s as Pre-Books is your option to process more than one week.  This is valuable prior to a holiday so your buyer knows what products are needed for the next several weeks. Note: if you process past the “End Date” the standing order will be removed from the list automatically.

To begin the process of creating SSO’s you can

  • Highlight a specific SSO and click “Process the Selected Order” or
  • Click “Process All Orders” to all of the SSO’s listed.

You can also print a list of SSO’s selected by clicking the Print button.

From the View Standing Sales Orders screen, you can double click on a line and open the original sales order.  When this occurs the “Modify Standing Order” message will be displayed below prompting you that it is OK to Open the Original Order.

System Control Options

The System Control Table, Sales Options tab, General tab have two checkboxes for SSO settings.

These two checkboxes for SSO settings are:

  • Lock the master sales order to prevent it from being changed by accident:

  • Automatically update Pre-Book prices to your current prices when processing your SSO’s

This setting in System Control will establish the default setting on the first checkbox on your View Standing Sales Orders checkbox below:

Preparation to Go Live

When Sales Standing Orders are entered as a Pre-Book for training and to simulate daily operations, there is an option when clearing these test transactions not to remove the Pre-Book Master Standing Orders as follows:

  • Enter the Sales Order as a real sales order, in pre-book mode, to be the first one processed when we Go Live
  • This first Sales Order must be entered as a Pre-book
  • On the Standing Order tab, enter the Start Date of the recurring standing order after it has been processed for the first week
  • Enter the End Date and the day of the week check box to order

Copy this Order Now Function

To copy a Sales Order for a repeat order that does not have a set day/date for something such as a delivery or planned pick up. You may use the Copy Button on the Standing Order Info Tab of the Sales order:

This copies the order exactly. The prices are Not updated.

It causes a Pre-Book Sales Order with a new Order number to pop-up which may need to be converted to a Sales Order by using the Convert to Sales order button:

If you choose to convert, there will be a pop-up that asks you if you want to update the prices.

If there are prices to update you will choose Yes, and the older prices will be updated to current price. If you chooseNo, whatever the prices are on that original order, that is what will be copied. You can change prices after you say No manually.

**You cannot copy anything on administrative hold or a blank sales order.

Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem.
  2. Go to the SALES MENU and select VIEW SALES ORDERS.
  3. Using an existing sales order or create a new sales order and set it as a Standing Order.
  4. Go through this training document and gain experience by trying different scenarios with Sales Standing Orders.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306for assistance.

MTS #05C – Sales Line Hold Processing


SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #5C – SMARTSystem Sales Line Hold Processing

Purpose:  To provide a method of locking the sales prices on a Pre-Book Sales Order to prevent price changes using the automatic price update option.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • LH – Line Hold
  • Line Hold – is a feature that locks the sales price on a Pre-Book Sales Order as it progresses from a Sales Standing Order, to a Sales Order and Invoiced so that the automatic price update options do not change the sales price.

Training Areas for this Session:


The Line Hold feature is activated by unchecking the box in System Control, Sales Options to “Hide Line Hold (LH) Column in Sales Summary”, as illustrated below:


Pre-Book Orders are advanced orders that are priced at the time that they are made.  These Pre-Book Orders can become Sales Standing Orders.

When it is time to create orders from the Sales Standing Orders or create a Sales Order from a Pre-Book or Invoice the customer order from a Pre-Book, the market prices may have changed and we currently provide a method of updating all the prices on the Order. For example, when a Pre-Book order is converted to a Sales Order or Invoiced the salesperson is promoted to “Update the Prices on this Pre-Book to the Current Prices?” as illustrated below:

There are two exceptions to updating line items in a Pre-Book order to current prices. These two exceptions are:

  • line items with customer Contract Prices and
  • line items which are classified as “Line Hold.”

The Line Hold feature works in conjunction with the following option in System Control (Sales Options) that will automatically respond to the above prompt with YES.  This option is:

See the LH check box below:

There are several rules associated with the Line Hold features that can be observed with the Edit Sales Order Item scree below, which include:

  • Pre-books can be marked as Sales Standing Orders and these changes apply to the Master and Child Standing Orders.
  • When the Standing Order is created as a MASTER or an order generated as a CHILD from the Standing Order, the Line Holds will remain and carry forward.
  • Contract Pricing turned on or off does not affect this processing. Therefore, when a Pre-book is made weeks prior to a holiday and Contract Pricing is turned off for the Holiday, the original Contract Price still applies.
  • The price on a line item can be from Contract Prices, which automatically implies a Line Hold, because when converted from a Pre-book to an Invoice it will not receive a current market price update.
  • When a Contract Price is used, identify it in the sales detail line so that it can be bypassed when updating prices. This is also indicated on the Edit Sales Order Item screen below that it is a Contract Price.
  • The actual price on any line can be changed as needed and marked as Line Hold which is done by the User as indicated.
  • The Edit Sales Order Item screen below will show and provide the option to change (set/remove) the Line Hold before it is invoiced.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.

MTS #05B – POS Sales Order Processing


SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #5B – SMARTSystem POS Sales Order Processing

Purpose:  To provide a good, strong working knowledge of POS Sales Order Processing.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • View – the term VIEW is use for programs that present information simply with options to filter that information for specific tasks.  For example, a Sales View will show sales orders for a specific time period.
  • Regular Sales Order – is a customer sales order that takes products out of current inventory for delivery within the immediate future.
  • POS – is point-of-sale.POS Sales Order – is a customer sales order that takes products out of current inventory at a point-of-sale workstation and provides for payment processing.

    Training Areas for this Session:


    When POS is activated you need to setup the PC workstation for the program to access the WACOM signature pad used in POS processing.  If you do not do the setup outlined at the end of this document you will get a System Message saying the program cannot fine the WACOM directory.

    For POS Cashiers accepting payments the following check box needs to be set in the Staff Entry for that User:


    In the System Control Table you can also set specific defaults for POS processing as outlined below:



    The POS Menu includes the following sub-menus:

  • View Sales Orders
  • Create Sales Orders by Customer
  • POS Sales Order
  • View Invoices
  • View Credit Memos
  • POS Reports
    • Payments/Refunds by Date
    • Selective Payments/Refunds Summary
    • Payments by Payment Type
    • Invoice Payment Register
  • POS Label Maker
  • Log Off

    Using the POS Menu provides for Point-of-Sale Order Processing with these available features:

  • Payment Processing which includes Credit Cards
  • WACOM Signature Pad to capture your customers signature electronically for “On Account” charges, saves the signature and prints it on the invoice
  • Cash Drawer and reporting by Workstation
  • Thermal printer for a narrow paper receipt
  • Bar Code scanner

    Only Sales Orders which reduce inventory can be used at the POS. Pre-Books are not processed using this POS option.

    POS Sales View

    The POS Sales View is set to display only ACTIVE orders providing all of the features of the regular Sales View previously discussed.

    Depending on the size of your showroom and fresh cut area, a sales order can be entered on different workstations located throughout the operation and when ready for checkout go to the Cashier who can pull up the order and process the payment.

    This View is normally displayed by Order# in descending sequence with default setting: Delivery Start / End Dates, Status is ACTIVE, ALL Sales Reps.

    POS Sales information on this View can be filtered by:

  • Delivery Start Date
  • Delivery End Date
  • Customer Name
  • Sales Rep
  • Max Order #
  • Type
  • Status
  • Today’s Orders checkbox

Each column can be sorted in ascending or descending sequence by clicking the lower right corner of the column heading.

The default settings for Delivery Start / End Dates for all sales view are set by selecting the following Menus:

Control Info > System Control > Doc & Dir Config

You can turn off the Total Sales except for selected management staff by selecting the following Menus:


Control Info > System Control > Options


Notice that the column Cmnts is the Warehouse Comments and hovering with the mouse will display the entire text.

There are several options available to show different column headings for the Sales View columns.  These column options are:

  • Customer City
  • Ship To
  • Ship Via (Route)

Set your preferences with these check boxes in System Control, Options Tab.

 At the bottom of the POS Sales View you can PRINT all items selected and showing on the POS Sales View. Clicking on NEW will display the Customer Info screen to begin a POS Sales Order or a REFRESH button on the screen with orders being added by other sales staff.

POS Sales Orders are also integrated with the regular Sales Order View.

POS Sales Order Entry

You can select an existing POS Sales Order from the POS Sales View by double clicking the Order that you want view and the following screen will be displayed for that customer.  A NEW Sales Order can be created from the NEW button on the POS Sales View or the following POS Sales sub-menus: 

  • Create Sales Orders by Customer
  • POS Order Entry

The first screen display for a POS Sales Order is Customer Information:

You only have 3 tabs on a POS Sales Order which are:

  • Customer Information
  • Quick Entry
  • Summary

Notice on the POS Customer Information screen you have the “Balance Due” at the top and a green “Enter Payments” button on the right side.

Next is the Quick Entry inventory screen.   This screen will display one line for each inventory item with On-Hand inventory.

On all inventory screens, the sales price displayed is based on the Customers Sales Price Level.

The Summary Screen below is used to process orders using a bar code scanner to enter items for the POS, the Cashier can scan either the:

  • Product Code
  • Vendor UPC or
  • GTIN code on a box / case

When using the bar code scanner the SMARTSystem will know that a scanner is being used and automatically default the “Quantity” to 1.  It will advance for the next scan and position the cursor at the Product Code field for the next scan.

The Summary Tab will show products selected for this Order. 

You can edit a line by clicking on it to show the following edit screen:

You can also, right click a line to delete the line item.

Payment Processing

To process the POS payment, click on the green “ENTER PAYMENTS” button and the following screen will be displayed with payment options:

On this payments screen you can process 1 or up to 4 types of payments for a POS Sales Order:

The amount of the order defaults to “On Account” and will automatically adjust this amount if changed to one of the following:

  • Credit Card
  • Check
  • Cash

For example, processing credit card information entered is automatically encrypted and saved.  The credit card service provider is set in System Control where these transactions can be processed as Authenticate-Only or Authenticate-Capture mode.

– OR –

The Payment Summary at the bottom of the screen will show the Balance Due. If the payment entered does not fully pay the sales order the balance will default to “On Account”.

Click “Accept Payment” when completed and the invoice will automatically be processed.

When the payment is processed, the Summary Screen will show “PAID IN FULL” as shown below:        

Click on the “PAID IN FULL” and you will receive a display showing the payment information on this POS Sales Order:

If an error occurs when processing a credit card transaction a message will be displayed similar to this message:

The POS Invoice will show “PAID” and how this sales order was paid including the amount of payment at the bottom of the invoice.

Pick Ticket

See the sample Pick Ticket for a POS Sales Order below:

Set-up for POS Menu

The POS menu option will not be available unless the SMARTPOS.ini file is set in the C:\WFSData directory.  You can create this by simply copying the “Printerlist.ini” file and changing the name to “SMARTPOS.ini”.

The POS Menu will only be shown to Staff members marked as “Cashier”.

Because the POS option provides a special program link with the WACOM Signature Pad the path statement must be changed to include its location:


This path must be set for ALL workstations, not just those with POS access.  To do this:

  • Go to “Computer” on the Start menu
  • Right Click Properties and you will get this screen:

  • Left click Advanced system settings at the bottom left side of screen and you will have this screen displayed:

  • Click Environment Variables at the bottom
  • Locate “path” in the System Variables section of the screen and click on it to highlight:

  • Click Edit and the following screen will be displayed:

  • Position your cursor in the “Variable value” field
  • Click the “End” key to navigate to the end of the string of text.
  • Add the following text (without quotes): “;C:\WFSData\WACOM”
  • Click OK on the Edit window to save the change
  • Click OK to close the Environment Variables windows
  • Click OK to close the System Properties Window
  • Click the Red X to close the control panel window

Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem.
  2. Go to the POS SALES MENU and select VIEW SALES ORDERS.
  3. Click NEW at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Enter the Customer Name and create a POS Sales Order.
  5. Make a payment and review the results.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306for assistance.

MTS #05A – Sales Order Processing

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session #5A – SMARTSystem Sales Order Processing

Purpose:  To gain a good, strong working knowledge of Sales Order Processing.

Keywords:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • View – the term VIEW is use for programs that present information simply with options to filter that information for specific tasks.  For example, a Sales View will show sales orders for a specific time period.
  • Regular Sales Order – is a customer sales order that takes products out of current inventory for delivery within the immediate future.
  • Pre-Book Sales Order – is a future customer order that will not be delivered immediately and inventory is not reduced.  Items selected for the Pre-Book will provide the Buyer with products he needs to buy.

Training Areas for this Session:


The Sales Menu is used for Sales Order, Pick Ticket and Invoice Processing. Sales Orders can be initiated from several different sub-menus providing different views, including:

  • View Sales Orders
  • Create Orders by Customer
  • Sales person Customer Call List
  • Sales Order Entry

There are 2 types of Sales Orders:

  • a regular Sales Order that reduces your On-Hand Inventory and
  • a Pre-Book Sales Order that is a future order and does not affect Inventory.

Sales View

The Sales View is a power tool for managing sales information and status of orders.  Select the Sales View by using the following Menus:

                   SALES > VIEW SALES ORDERS

This View is normally displayed by Order# in descending sequence with default setting:

  • Delivery Start / End Dates
  • Status is NOT CANCELLED,
  • ALL Sales Reps.

Sales information on this View can be filtered by 12 different or combined options:

  • Delivery Start Date
  • Delivery End Date
  • Order Group
  • Max Order #
  • Type (Order)
  • Status
  • Today’s Orders
  • Tomorrow’s Orders
  • Customer Name
  • Sales Rep
  • Ship Via
  • Invoice #

Each column can be sort in ascending or descending sequence by clicking the lower right corner of the column heading.

The default setting for Delivery Start / End Dates for all sales views is set in System Control by selecting the following Menus:

           Control Info > System Control > Doc & Dir Config

You can turn off the Total Sales except for selected management staff by selecting the following Menus:

Control Info > System Control > Options

Notice that the column Cmnts show the Warehouse Comments and hovering with the mouse will display the entire text.

There are several options available to show different column headings for the Sales View columns.  These column options are:

  • Customer City
  • Ship To
  • Ship Via (Route)

Set your preferences with these check boxes in:

System Control > Sales Options Tab > Hide/Show Options (right side)

At the bottom of the Sales View you can PRINT all items selected that are showing on the Sales View. Clicking on NEW button will display Customer Information to begin a Sales Order.  Click REFRESH to update the screen with orders being added by other sales staff.

On the Sales View, you can right click on a line to show several options. 

The Sales Summary Inquiry is an option used by the Sales Manager to check margins and who changed a line item on the order, date and time.

Sales Order Entry-Regular Order

You can select an existing Sales Order from the Sales View by double clicking the Order that you want view and the following screen will be displayed for that customer.  A NEW Sales Order can be created using the NEW button on the Sales View or anyone of the following sub-menus on the Sales Menu: 

  • Create Orders by Customer
  • Sales person Customer Call List
  • Sales Order Entry

The first screen display for a Sales Order is Customer Information:

You can have up to 9 tabs on a Sales Order depending on your settings in System Control.  These tabs are normally in the following sequence:

  • Customer Information
  • Quick Entry
  • Selective Ordering
  • Box Ordering
  • Summary
  • Shipping
  • Standing Order Info
  • Bill of Lading
  • $Contract Pricing

On all inventory screens (Quick Entry, Selective Ordering, Summary), the sales price displayed is based on the Customers Sales Price Level.

Options for the Customer Information screen show above include:

  • Market Day (Refer to training document #5F)
  • Discount % (Refer to training document #5F)
  • VIO (Very Important Order flag)
  • Save Ship To information by clicking the “Save Ship To” button
  • Entered by (Alternate Rep, if different from the default sales rep)

For the Entered by option for the Alternate Rep to be required, the checkbox is in

System Control > Sales Options > General tab:

When the Alternate Rep is required and not entered, the following message will be display when pulling product from inventory:

Next is the Quick Entry inventory screen.   This screen will display one line time for each inventory item with On-Hand inventory.  It will automatically pull product from the oldest lot first to maintain proper rotation of inventory.

The Selective Ordering screen below will show each lot received into the System with On-Hand inventory.  With this screen you can select product by Farm.

On either the Quick Entry or Selective Ordering screens, if Contracting Pricing exists the Contract Pricing will override the standard price. The Summary Tab will show products selected for this Order: 

From this screen you can:

  • Sell product
  • Edit line items by clicking the line
  • Edit Prices (select button)
  • Show Sub-Category Summary

You can edit a line by clicking on it to show the following edit screen:

The Shipping Tab is used primarily by growers when creating boxes with specific packing

Box charges can be created by the warehouse using the Warehouse Order Management program.

This feature is activated with the following checkbox: 

System Control > Options

To create a Standing Order, click the Standing Order Info tab.  Set the Start Date, End Date and one or more days of the week for this standing order.  Then click Update Standing Order.

When a Bill of Lading is needed, click the Bill of Lading tab and enter the additional information needed.

You can set the Bill of Lading form type in the Doc Selection tag in System Control:

Any Contract Pricing set for the Customer will automatically create a tab on the Sales Order for quick and easy reference.

The following is a sample Pick Ticket:

The following is a sample Delivery Label:

Pre-Book Order Sales Order Entry

A Pre-Book Sales Order will not reduce inventory and is designed for you to place orders when inventory does not exist for a future delivery date.

You can set the number of days between today’s date and the Delivery date for the Sales Entry program to automatically set the program to Pre-Book mode when an order is entered. To set the number of days for this feature, select the following Menus:

          Control Info > System Control > Sales Options

A Pre-Book Sales Order is highlighted with “Pre-Book” at the top of the screen and the checkbox:

You can have up to 8 tabs on a Pre-book Sales Order depending on your settings in System Control.  These tabs normally in the following sequence:

  • Customer Information
  • Inventory
  • Incoming Availability
  • Summary
  • Shipping
  • Standing Order Info
  • Bill of Lading
  • $Contract Pricing

All items in your Inventory Table, with or without an On-Hand quantity are available for display on the Inventory Tab and can be selected for the Pre-Book Sales Order.

On both the Inventory and Incoming Availability screens, the sales price displayed is based on the Customers Sales Price Level.


The Incoming Availability screen below will show products On-Order and expected to arrive by the Delivery Date of this Customer Sales Order.

On either the Inventory or Incoming Availability Tab, if Contracting Pricing exists the tab will be displayed and will override the standard price.


Product costs can be displayed on both screens by pressing F3 or if the following checkbox is set in System Control, Sales Options

The Summary Tab will show products selected for this Order and color coded to show the inventory status of each item. 

The color coding on the Pre-book Sales Summary screen will provide the sales staff with an immediate inventory status of items on a Pre-book order as described below:

  • Black background and White letters indicates

    Product has been allocated to a Purchase Order, it has not been received and there is not enough On-Hand to fulfill this item.

  • Black background and Orange letters indicates

    Product is NOT allocated to a Purchase Order and there is not enough On-Hand to fulfill this item.

  • Gray background and Red letters indicates

    There is sufficient product in inventory to fulfill this item from current inventory.  This product can be converted to a Sales Order or Invoiced.

  • Green background and White letters indicates:

    Product has been allocated to a Purchase Order that has been received. This product can be converted to a Sales Order or Invoiced.

  • Red background and White letters indicates:

           Product that is allocated to a received PO but there is not enough product available to fulfill the line item.

On the Summary Screen, you can edit a line by clicking on it to show the following edit screen:

You can also, right click a line to delete the line item.

To create a Standing Order for this Pre-Book, click the Standing Order Info tab.  Set the Start Date, End Date and one or more days of the week for this standing order.  Then click Update Standing Order.

See the sample Pre-Book Pick Ticket for a Sales Order below:

Practice Drills

The purpose of Practice Drills is to get you more familiar with the SMARTSystem and comfortable using it. 

  1. Login into SMARTSystem.
  2. Go to the SALES MENU and select VIEW SALES ORDERS.
  3. Click NEW at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Enter the Customer Name and create a Sales Order.
  5. Do this same task and create a Pre-Book Sales Order.

Questions and Answers

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306for assistance.

MTS #04F – Inventory Setup to Credit a Portion of a Line Item

SMARTSystem Management Training Series

Training Session # 4F – Inventory Setup to Credit a Portion of a Line Item


This document will describe how to setup inventory items so you can credit a portion of a bunch of flowers or a case of vases.  For example, a bunch of flowers may contain 25 stems and 5 stems need to be credited.


There are 2 methods that can be used to credit a partial bunch. 

  1. The preferred method involves having the bunch properly defined in the SMARTSystem with the number of stems in the Pack field of the inventory record.
  2. The other method is for handling partial returns when the client has not correctly defined their inventory items and has pack 1 defined for all products or the product being credited.

How to properly setup inventory to allow for crediting a portion of a bunch or case  (method 1)

When inventory is entered the number of stems per Unit of Measure should be entered into the selling item quantity.  In the example below the Carnation Red is intended to be sold in a bunch of 25 stems.

Setting up the product in this way will allow the sales reps to enter selling quantities in bunches rather than stems.  For example, if the selling item quantity is set to 25 as shown – the sales person would enter 10 into the sales screen to sell 10 bunched for a total of 250 stems.

The picture below shows how 1000 stems of the carnation Red above will be shown on the Inventory View and the Quick Entry screen of the Sales Order Program.  The quantity shown available for sale is 40 which is 1000 stems divided by the pack of 25. 

Entering a quantity of 2 into the quick entry screen will sell 50 stems because 2 times the pack of 25 is 50. 

This also displays the quantity and pack and total units correctly on the summary screen, pick ticket, and invoice:

(Summary screen and invoice shown below)

When products have been configured in this way and invoiced.  Any portion of the total stems sold can be credited.   The feature to do partial credits must be enabled by checking the “Use Total Units on Credits” box on the Options Tab in System Control before it can be used:

When this option is enabled and the products are configured as stated above, when a detail line is clicked in the invoice the “Item Credit” pop-up will display the total number of stems sold and any quantity up to the number of stems sold can be credited:

This result in a clear and perfectly calculated credit memo for only the stems that were credited and returned (see image of credit memo on the next page):

How to credit a portion of a line item with a product that has not been setup correctly (method 2):

If it has occurred that a customer has setup some products with pack 1 when the pack should have been some other value, then this method will need to be used to facilitate a partial credit.  It is not recommended that returns be done in this way.

These products will commonly be setup with the pack shown in the description rather than being defined in the Selling Item Quantity. These items typically have a selling item quantity of 1 regardless of what the pack actually is – in the example below the pack is 10 but the inventory record defines it as 1:

The problem that this causes is the inability to use the “Use Total Units On Credits” effectively.

In this example we have invoiced 1 box of 10 Candle 10” Red, but this product was not setup with the proper pack:

(continued on next page)

If a 2 out of 10 of these candles are damaged they can be credited by entering the quantity in the Item Credit screen as a percentage of the quantity ordered.  Since 2 is 20% of 10, you would enter .2 into the Quantity Adjusted box:

This will result in a credit memo for the correct dollar amount but the quantity represented on the order will be a decimal number.  Also, you do not want to return a percent of the box to inventory because we do not sell a percent of a unit.

When products are setup in this way there is no way to accurately enter the quantity. 

MTS #04E – Inventory Internal Transfer Cost Value Calculations

SMARTSystem Management Training Series
Training Session #4E – SMARTSystem Inventory Internal Transfer Cost Value Calculations

Purpose:   The purpose of this document is to define how the cost values are calculated during both a straight transfer and a consolidation transfer. This document will cover the calculations used for WAC and WAC2 and Non-WAC transactions.

Definitions:  The following is a list of key terms used in the SMARTSystem that you should be familiar with and understand.

  • WAC – Is an acronym meaning Weighted Average Cost. There are several different ways of calculating WAC and we call them WAC1 and WAC2.
  • WAC 1– Will re-compute a new WAC value based on all open inventory lots:
    • The value of all open lots is computed and divided by the total number of units on open lots to determine the current WAC.
    • For any product when inventory goes to zero, the Average Landed Cost is also set to zero and the WAC calculations start over.
    • The calculated WAC value is stored in the Average Landed Cost field in the inventory record matching the Product Code, as shown below:

  • WAC 2 – Utilizes the Average Landed Cost field from the Inventory Table to compute a new value based on receiving new produce:
    • Each time a new product is added to inventory the Average Landed Cost (stored in the inventory record) is multiplied by the Total Units On Hand to determine the current stock value.
    • The value of the new product (Quantity * Cost) is added and the total current value from the previous step and divided by the total number of units (On Hand + New Quantity) to determine the new WAC value.
    • The calculated WAC2 value is stored in the Average Landed Cost field in the inventory record matching the Product Code to be used the next time product is received. The Average Landed Cost does not reset when inventory is zero.
  • STRAIGHT TRANSFER – A straight transfer is when one product is directly transferred to another product.
  • CONSOLIDATION TRANSFER – This is the process of combining multiple products into a single product, such as a bouquet.


Transfer Cost Calculations

This section will discuss how the WAC is computed for each type of internal inventory transfer. Non-WAC or Current Landed Cost is also referenced.

Straight Transfer:

  • The following procedure is followed to compute the cost of the products involved in a straight transfer:
    • The FROM Side of the transaction (reduction)
      • When WAC 1 or WAC 2 are set in System Control
        • The Average Landed Cost from the inventory record for the product code is used for the reduction adjustment
      • When WAC is NOT selected (Non-WAC)
        • Adjustment Cost = Per Unit Cost + Per Unit Freight Cost for that item or Landed Cost.
    • Then TO Side of the transaction (increase)
      • A new Receiving Lot is created (production) and an adjustment record is written
      • For WAC the Adjustment cost is set as:
        • The Average Landed Cost of the “FROM” product is used as the Cost of the TO Product to create the Receiving Lot and Adjustment Record
      • When using WAC 1
        • After the New Receiving Lot is created the function to compute the new WAC is run and the resulting new WAC value is stored in the Average Landed Cost field in the inventory record
      • When using WAC 2
        • The new WAC (computed as defined in the Definition area above) for the product code associated with the FROM record is creates the Receiving Lot and Adjustment records. This WAC value takes the newly transferred item into account.
        • The new WAC 2 value is stored in the Average LandedCost field in the inventory record

Consolidation Transfer

  • When several products are used to create a bouquet the following procedure is followed to compute the cost of the products involved in a Consolidation transfer:
  • The Consolidation transfer allows the user to set the quantity of TO product to create from the FROM Products
    • The FROM Side of the transaction (reduction)
      • When using WAC 2
        • The Average Landed Cost for the FROM products are used to create the Reduction Adjustment for the From Product.
          • This value is stored as Adjustment Cost to be used in the TO side of the transaction
      • When using WAC 1 or the Non-WAC option is selected
        • The landed cost of the product is used and stored as the Adjustment Cost
    • The TO side of the transaction
      • The Total Cost ([FROM Product Adjustment Costs] x[FROM Transfer Quantity]) of all of the FROM Products is collected and then divided by the Consolidation Quantity that was entered on the Consolidation confirmation screen to arrive at the cost of the TO product (see example below).
        • WAC 1, WAC 2, and Non-WAC options:
          • This cost is used to Create a receiving record and an adjustment record
        • Regardless of which WAC option is used, this new cost is stored in Inventory Record in the Current Landed Cost.
    • ForWAC 1:
      • The procedure to recalculate WAC by lots is called after the receiving lot is created and the resulting new WAC value is stored in the Average Landed Cost
    • For WAC 2:
      • The process that created the receiving record and inventory adjustment returns the WAC 2 value that is then stored in the Inventory Average Landed Cost field

WAC 2 Consolidation Transfer Example

Using the following Inventory Adjustments Report to identify products transferred which can be exported to excel, if you need more flexibility.

A Transfer works this way:  An Inventory Adjustment Record is generated from each of the FROM products and immediately after that the TO product.  I have highlighted two transfers below which gives you date, time, who did the transfer, what products, quantity were transferred, costs at the time of the transfer, and what program created the adjustment.  See the formulas for generating the TO costs.

In the 2nd transfer creating BOUQWFSSMA the following calculations are done.

Costs are accumulated for each FROM product, accumulated and divided by the TO quantity for a new Average Landed Cost:


  1.     4 x   2.683   =   10.732
  2.   26 x   1.881   =   48.906
  3. 100 x     .302   =   30.200
  4.   14 x  3.552    =   49.728
  5.     2 x  3.668   =      7.336
  6.     8 x  3.330   =    26.640
  7.    4  x  3.931   =  15.724
  8.    3  x  3.300   =      9.900
  9.    7  x  3.300   =    23.100

                  Total       $  222.266

Divided the Total cost by the TO quantity of 3 products = 74.0886 for the Average Landed Cost of the new item.

Note: that the TO quantity is very important to calculate the correct Average Landed Cost.

Questions and Answers:

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.