

John’s Journal, Issue #34 – Credit Card Processing

John’s Journal is a newsletter to provide SMARTSystem™ Users with the latest software highlights and solutions to improve your business operations.

Credit Card processing is now available in the SMARTSystem and is ready for your use.  It has been designed with minimal changes to the POS entry module and all of the processing is behind the scenes with instant Authenticate or Authenticate-Capture options available using Authorize. NET.   

Credit Card information is stored in the Customer table with heavy encryption of credit card numbers for your protection.  Password security is required to access credit card information in the Customer Table by your staff.

New credit cards can be entered at the point of sale on the screen below and the information will automatically be saved in the Customer Table for future use.

Just give me a call for additional information to streamline your payments using credit cards.

Our goal is to provide you with tools to make your job easier and improve your success with quality service delivered quickly. Your feedback is always welcome.

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance.

John Henderson