
Quick Books

Quick Books Runtime Error -2147221164 (80040154) Class Not Registered When Importing Transactions

Although Classes can be set up inside SMART, not all classes are the same when it comes to this runtime error message. 

The troubleshoot:  Verify classes are set up in Quick Books by going to Lists > Class List.  If the class you have set up in SMARTSystem is not in the list, add it per Quick Books procedure.  Now retry the import. 

If the import still fails, you will need to verify the Quickbooks SDK program has been installed on your computer.  To locate the program, go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.  In the list of installed programs, you will see “Quickbooks SDK 7.0”  If it is not in the list, call our Tech Support to get it installed properly. 

Installing the Quick Books Import Tool has a very specific sequence of events to ensure it installs correctly.  Missing a step can cause issues such as this runtime error.  Even if your IT team is excellent at what they do, they will need to consult with our tech team to ensure a proper installation if they will be doing it, or request we do the installation for you. 

Sales Tax – QuickBooks Configuration Procedure

To configure Sales Tax in Quick Books to work with the Import Tool:

  • Single User Mode must be enabled to make changes to sales tax
  • Collect Sales Tax must be enabled
  • Create an item for SalesTax as type “Sales Tax Item” in
    • Edit ->  Preferences -> Sales Tax
      • Named SalesTax-[ST]ate  for example SalesTax-OK, SalesTax-TX, SalesTax-FL
        • SalesTax-FL
        • SalesTax-TX
        • SalesTax-OK
  • Must assign a vendor to the Sales Tax account as the “Tax agency”
    • For example Florida Department of Revenue must be setup as a Vendor
    • For Example SalesTax-OK would need to have a tax agency of “OK Department of Revenue”


  • The Tax Rate can be set to 0 as the values are passed directly into QB from SMART rather than calculated by QB.



Note that the State Sales Tax item is not the one selected in “Most Common Sales Tax Item” this must be different for some reason.

John’s Journal #62 – Quick Books Alert

John’s Journal is a newsletter to provide SMARTSystem™ Users with the latest software highlights and solutions to improve your business operations. SMARTSystem updates are included with your Software Support Plan (SSP).

This is an ALERT that we have recently become aware of a potential problem with Quick Books that could affect your operations.

Over the last 6 months, three of our customers have developed problems with their Quick Books.

As more data is added to Quick Books with each End of Day process the Company file will increase in size.  When it is over 2GB a condition may occur in Quick Books with inventory quantities showing incorrectly, costs being calculated incorrectly and inventory adjustment quantities may be applied for the wrong amount.  Also, this condition usually results in numerous negative inventory quantities and values in Quick Books.  Basically, the QB Company file becomes corrupt.  If you see these conditions, check the Company file size as shown below.  This action can save you a lot of time in determining the source of the problem with Quick Books.

As an alternative to Quick Books, we have been working with a CPA and Sage Accounting Software to provide an alternate solution for companies that manage a lot of accounting information.  There is a migration path available from Quick Books to the Sage.  We have been working with the Sage Accounting software over the last year and we are now ready to give you an alternative to Quick Books. Please call me if you are interested.

Otherwise, the solution to this problem is to create a new QB Company file before it reaches the 2GB limit.  Contact Intuit support if you have questions or how to create a new company file.

How to determine the QB Company file size

Press F2 in QB to show this screen.  The file size appears about half way down the page. 

Our goal is to provide you with tools to make your job easier and improve your success with quality service delivered quickly. Your feedback is always welcome. If you have any questions, please contact us at Support@Floralcomputer.com or call 727-483-5306 for assistance. If you would like to submit an on-line support request, go to http://floralcomputersystems.freshdesk.com  and click on the “New support ticket” button. 

Thank you,

John Henderson

How to Export Customer Balances from Quickbooks into SMARTSystem

Normally, payments are manually posted against customer invoices and afterwards the customer balances are exported from Quick Books and Imported to SMARTSystem.

The sequence of events for daily exporting Quick Books Customer Balances that will be imported into the SMARTSystem is:

1.  After payments are posted to your customer accounts.

2.  Keep Quick Books open and minimized.

3.  Double click on the Quick Books Import icon:

4.  The following screen will be displayed:

5.  Click on the “Export Customer Balances” and the export from Quick Books will begin:


6.  When completed close the QB Import Tool.

7.  Open SMARTSystem, File, Import and Import Customer Balances.

8.  The following screen will be displayed:

9.  Click “Browse” to select the folder for Import:


          Click on “customerbalances.txt” to select.

10.  Click on “Import Customer Balances” and your customer balances will be updated in the SMARTSystem:

11.  When completed close this “Import Customer Balances” screen.

Can’t Find End Of Day File to Import Into QuickBooks

The QuickBooks Import Tool has a “Browse” button to locate the file SMARTSystem exported when you ran your End of Day. 

If you’ve not used the Import Tool before, it will usually default to the “Documents” folder.  The exported file will not be there. 

Open the File Explorer and click on the “Computer” name. 

On the right-hand panel of that window, you’ll see your Drive C:  Double-click on it and locate the WFSData Folder. 

Double-click on that and locate the ExportFiles folder.  Your exported file will be in that folder. 

Double-click on the ExportFiles folder to select the file to be imported.

Once you’ve done the import, the Import Tool will remember where the files are stored. 

This is the most common location for the export files.  Your configuration may be different.  The information for where the export files are sent will be found in Control Info > System Control > Doc & Dir Config:


Setting Up Sales Reps in QuickBooks

From Training Session #17B – SMARTSystem Quick Books Employee Name Setup

This will show you how to make Quick Books employee records align with SMARTSystem to permit successful importing of the sales reps associated with invoices.

It is a pre-requisite that all of the staff that have invoices exported to accounting be entered manually into QuickBooks before importing invoices. Quick Books Import tool does not create new Employee records in Quick Books because there are too many variables associated with this process to perform this action accurately.

The Middle Initial: The compatibility issue revolves around whether or not the sales person has a middle initial. If there is no middle initial, there is no issue.  SMARTSystem appends a period (.) to the middle initial to make sure it is easy to read when displayed or printed. This can cause incompatibility with Quick Books, which does not automatically append a period to the middle initial of the employee.

The SMARTSystem staff name with a middle initial will look like this:

In the Quick Books Employee Center the middle initial must be present and have a period after it or it will not be recognized during the import process.

To modify an existing Employee in Quick Books, open the Employee Center:

Then right click on the employee you would like to edit and, on the pop-up menu, left click on “Edit Employee”:

Once you click “Edit Employee” the following screen will appear in Quick Books:

To add the period to the Middle initial, click to the right of the Middle initial in the M.I. field and type a period.

Click OK when done to save the change to the Employee Record.

No Middle Initial: If the sales person record in SMART System does not have a middle initial, nothing is required in Quick Books for compatibility.  The Period is NOT added to staff records with no middle initial.


Setting up the Employee as a Sales Rep:

When completed adding employee names, go to the Employee Center, select Manage Employee Information and click Add/Edit Sales Rep

The Sales Rep List will show the employee names and the Initials must coincide with the name. For example, if the name is Julia M Ortiz as shown below the initials must coincide: “JMO”

QuickBooks Q&A

QuickBooks Q&A

Many of the help articles below are from information acquired through Intuit or Intuit troubleshooting forums, if any of these issues occur for you, you may want to seek help from qualified Intuit Quick books Technical Support help desk before attempting on your own.

Items imported to Quick Books from SMARTSystem:

1.  Customer Maintenance additions and modifications

2.  Vendor Maintenance additions and modifications

3.  Inventory Item are created (note SMARTSystem settings creating Non-Inventory Items)

4.  Inventory Adjustments

5.  Inventory Modifications -Product Descriptions

6.  Purchase Orders

7.  Customer Invoice transactions

8.  Customer Credit memos 

Initial Troubleshooting You can Do yourself:

1. Do you have too many windows open or the same program open more than once. 

2. Do you have it set to multi-user mode and are trying to use the Import tool? Set to Single user and try it.

3. Can you restart your computer? Does this fix the issue. 

4. Have you checked if the printer is on and available to your computer.

5. Are you connected to the internet.

These may seem simple, but can save you some time. If you are in doubt. Take a screenshot and send us as much information as possible. We are happy to help!

ANY and ALL fatal/fail messages from Quick Books:  Please contact Quick books immediately. 

IF you get a pop-up Message that Quick books will not open, has failed in some way or anything else directly from the Quick books program there needs to be a call to Quick Books first. They have a diagnostic that they run to help you. You will also find the diagnostic link below but you should seek help from Intuit. SMARTSystem staff are not qualified to interpret these results and you should call Intuit as we will direct you there. 

New Quick Help Solution 10-03-16
NON-Standard or Invalid Characters:

Sometimes having non-standard or invalid characters in your QuickBooks Online company name can lead to server and other errors in the application. To avoid and remedy these, you should make sure your company name consists of accepted characters only.

Here is a list of accepted characters:

•Alpha-numeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)

•Comma (,)

•Dot or period (.)

•Question mark (?)

•At symbol (@)

•Ampersand (&)

•Exclamation point (!)

•Number/pound sign (#)

•Single quote (‘)

•Tilde (~)

•Asterisk (*)

•Space ( )

•Underscore (_)

•Minus sign/hyphen (-)

•Semi-colon (;)

•Plus sign (+)

If you have any other special character in your company name that is not listed here, edit the company name by choosing Company > Preferences and click on Name on the left column. After you make your edits, try your task again and it should resolve any error you were getting.  We found this help here: QB Intuit Answers Unacceptable Characters Question 

New Quick Help Solution 10-12-2016
Credit Memo Adjustments:
Question: SMARTSystem Credit Memo adjustments to Quick Books Delivery/Freight Charges
In Quick Books there is a “Shipping” Type account as an Inventory Item which is usually called “Delivery Charges”. (Needs to Match exactly the G/L account name to the QuickBooks name. If you use this method to record delivery charges.)
The G/L accounts in this item are directing the charges to the CORRECT G/L Account in Quick Books.

QB Peculiarities
1. Customer Names must be unique.
2. Vendor Names must be unique.
3. A Customer Name cannot be the same as a Vendor Name.
4. A Vendor Name cannot be the same as a Customer Name.
5. The Account No. field for each customer record in Quick Books is automatically updated with the SMARTSystem customer number. If this customer number is missing you will not be able to update your Customer Balances in SMARTSystem.

New Quick Help Solution 11-09-2016

If you receive the error from QuickBooks as a popup:  “Runtime error 424 Object Required”
QuickBooks works best for the Import process if you switch it to single user mode. The error you are receiving has to do with it being in Multi-user mode and someone somewhere on your system has the “object” you are trying to import open on their machine. The reason it works most of the time in multi-user is because you got lucky and the person does not have what you are importing open.
If you are in single user. Restart your machine from the start button and try your import again. Be sure you are not still running a “hidden copy of QB” in your task manager. Contact Intuit Quick Books for help.

This has nothing to do with SMARTSystem.

New Quick Help Solution 11-16-2016

2 GB Company Data file

If you are receiving errors in your Quick books data file that look like: “Error: Item id ….has missing rows in the item history table.”

It is time to Call Intuit Quick Books Technical Support. 

We are regularly told about such errors when a companies Quick Books file has reached 2 GB. This has nothing to do with “third party software.” It is due to a bug in the Quick Books software. (Which Intuit does not admit exists). Our software only feeds data to Quick Books, it does not actually store it in the Quick Books database, any errors Quick books is throwing are internal to the Quick Books programming.

To avoid this issue and prevent the Quick Books Database from malfunction many of our SMARTSystem clients create new Quick Books company files each year when the Quick Books Database reaches 2 GB.

New Quick Help Solution 12-5-2016

Link to QB help: QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

You should use this tool only under supervision from Intuit or your IT professional. This is from Quickbooks Intuit site (This is not help for SMARTSystem issues):

QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

The errors listed below can occur if your Operating System is damaged or one of the core Microsoft components that QuickBooks Desktop uses is unstable or not functioning correctly. 

You can download and run the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool to fix a wide variety of error messages you may receive when installing QuickBooks Desktop such as:

  •  1603
  • 1935
  • 1904
  • 1402
  • Errors relating to damaged Microsoft .NET Framework
  • Errors relating to damaged MSXML and C++

Detailed instructions

Important: The following troubleshooting steps are for the Windows operating system, which is not an Intuit product. The steps can become complex if errors occur while repairing or uninstalling .NET Framework. If you are not comfortable doing these steps on your own, Intuit recommends you consult with your computer’s manufacturer or other computer professional.

QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool is designed to automatically diagnose and fix issues with Microsoft .NET Framework, C++, and MSXML.

 Prior to performing any manual steps to resolve Microsoft component related issues, it is recommended to run the tool first, as it can decrease the time needed to resolve the issue.  

Solution 1: Use the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool to resolve Microsoft .NET, MSXML, and C++ issues:

To use the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool:

  1. Download the QuickBooks Install DiagnosticTool.
  2. When prompted, save the file to the local Desktop.
  3. Close any open programs then run the program by double-clicking on the QBInstall_Tool_v2.exe.
    Note: It may take up to 20mins to complete, depending on your internet speed and computers performance.
  4. Once the tool has completed, restart the machine to ensure proper update to components.

Optional: If you have a minute, could you please help us gather feedback on how the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool worked out for you:  Click here to provide feedback!

Solution 2: Try performing a Windows Update to install missing updates pertaining to .NET Framework, MSXML, and C++:

If these components are out of date, QuickBooks may not be able to install correctly. You can access Windows Update by pressing the Start key on your keyboard and typing “Windows Update.”

Important: If you encounter any errors performing a Windows Update, contact a qualified IT professional or Microsoft.

Solution 3: Fix problems with Microsoft components manually:

Even if the QB Install Tool does not solve your problem, you may still be able to fix problems Microsoft components manually. However, you should only try this if you are an IT professional or similarly-advanced Windows expert, or if you are working with one who can guide you.

To repair Microsoft .NET Framework manually: follow  Solution 2 of this article.

To repair Microsoft MSXML manually: try all solutions in this article.

Solution 4: Try installing QuickBooks in Selective Startup:

Another process on your computer may be interfering with the QuickBooks installation. Follow these steps to temporarily eliminate everything but the essential processes you need to install the software.

If you still get an error when installing QuickBooks, or if you encounter errors while attempting any of these solutions, there may be a problem with your computer or your operating system. You should consult a trained IT professional for further help.

QB import – RUNTIME ERROR 75 path/file access error:


Shutdown all programs and re-boot PC.

Open QBooks, if an error occurs that QB cannot find the company file contact QB support, otherwise re-run the import.

QB import does not work at first import no balance transfer. No invoices.

Check to see that the Accounts names match exactly for the import files set up. 

 In QB, Make sure that the Accounts are associated with their proper types.


If associated with “Other” it will not import: create a new AR with AR associated.


Import of data using FAS gives this error when the data is not translated and set up to work with QB. This is done by a data fix done by FCS to allow the AR transfer in accounting. This is a Quoted service that is offered ahead of time in order to function.

Import from QB to SMART Error 76:

Complete shutdown then push button restart.


Configure Sales Tax in Quick Books to work with the Import Tool

Collect Sales Tax must be enabled

Create an item for SalesTax as type “Sales Tax Item” in

  • Edit ->  Preferences -> Sales Tax
    • Named SalesTax-[ST]ate, for example SalesTax-OK, SalesTax-TX, SalesTax-FL
      • SalesTax-FL
      • SalesTax-TX
      • SalesTax-OK
    • ALERT! The newly created Sales Tax Line Item will AUTOMATICALLY be assigned as the Default Sales Tax Item. Nothing you can do will change this
      • You must save the Sales Tax preferences then go back into the Sales Tax preferences and change the Default Sales tax item to a Sales Tax Item other than one of the ones that will actually be used, otherwise errors will occur on import.
  • You must assign a vendor to the Sales Tax account as the “Tax agency”
    • For example Florida Department of Revenue must be setup as a Vendor
    • For Example SalesTax-OK would need to have a tax agency of “OK Department of Revenue”
  • The Tax Rate can be set to 0 as the values are passed directly into QB from SMART rather than calculated by QB