

Showing your Product Code on PO Document and the Email you Send to the Vendor

To print the product code on the purchase order document and the email you send to the vendor:

  • Go to vendor maintenance for the vendor you want to receive the product code on his documents
  • Set the “Display Selected Code on PO
  • Set the code you want to show: your product code, the vendor code or the mfg code

Setting Up Vendors – Video Tutorial

This video will provide step-by-step instructions to set up vendors in SMARTSystem. Click on the “play” icon to begin the lesson.


How to Add Vendors

How to Add Vendors

  1. In the file menu bar select the word “Vendors” from the list.
  2. In the drop down list under Vendors choose “Vendor Entry.”

  3. A pop up window entitled “Vendor Table Maintenance” will open up to the tab called “General Info.”

  4. Type the information for your new Vendor Entry.

    Vendor Number must be alpha numeric.

  5. Required fields are Vendor number, Vendor name and Vendor Type (choose from the dropdown list):

  1. The Purchase Order Tab requires that Ship Via information be chosen from the dropdown tab.

  2. Next you need to decide what Vendor Terms are to be selected for the vendor. If you do not choose terms you receive this message:

    Choose Vendor Terms:

  3. If you click the Add button after adding terms your new Vendor is added and a new record to input vendor information will appear.

    **Even though this is all the required information needed for a vendor entry, it is recommended that you fill out the tabs as thoroughly as possible.

Please see Management Training #3B for a more complete explanation of Vendor maintenance.